Friday, July 10, 2015

Fond Farewell and We Love Teddy Bears!

Lol.  It's national Teddy Bear picnic day!  I vaguely remember the song...but I like it.  Teddy bears and picnics are a good combo.  ;)

It's also Don't Step on a Bee day...which is silly -- who wants to step on a bee??

and for those who like Pina Coladas, it's Pina colada day as well...I don't like the coconut, so I'm not a big fan of the virgin ones.  ;)  To each their own...


So, I got to spend the day with my hubby doing trailer shops for the Minions movie.  Can I hear a large groan??  It's cute an all...meant for kids...but it wasn't that thrilling to me.  I got to see Jurassic World again and finally see the middle part that I'd missed before.  We both like that one.  Have to say though, the 3D kind of makes it look like toys are being used...not that impressive.  The regular movie is fine.  ;)

Also want to mention that President Packer's funeral was today...we got to listen to part of it.  He was such an amazing man.  We are all going to miss him and his stalwart character.  I wish his family well.

Till we meet again...

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Wow... really??

so - I didn't realize it has been that long since my last post.  I think I kind of gave up on it, knowing I don't have many follower...