Friday, October 13, 2017

Happy Friday!!

Happy Friday!!  There are some fun things about today, not the least of which is it's Friday the 13th which some people have heartburn over... I think it's awesome.  It's Friday.  What does it matter what number of the month it is??  I guess if you're the superstitious type...  But anyway, I have been loving the fall!  The leaves are sooo gorgeous this year.   I mean...these are the leaves up in Huntsville this past weekend...

such reds...  sigh.
Anyway - onward ho.  😊

English Language Day - I think it's easier to understand simply because I speak it, I think.  But the English language is crazy.  I think there are more contradictions than anything else...and so many words that mean different things but sound the same...  I do love Weird Al's version though... he's a crack up.

International African Penguin Awareness Day - because everyone should be aware of African Penguins.  I mean, ya know.  More than other penguins...I guess they're more special?  I thought penguins were pretty much all in the endangered end of things...  Did you ever watch the movie Mr Peppers Penguins?  It's kind of fun.  Here's a clip of the actual penguins they used...

International Day for Failure - ok, so if you're all about failure, you've heard of Meet the Robinsons.  Failure is nothing to cry over, except for the frustration that you have to try again...and again...and - well, anyway.  Love this scene in the movie - I'm thinking I should have embroidered a pillow with it for my kids to remember - Keep Moving Forward!!!  

National Family Bowling Day (or Kids Bowl Free Day) - I like bowling, but we never do it anymore.  I'm not sure why, except for perhaps the cost.  It's cheaper to sit home and watch movies together, lol.  Do you like to bowl?  I even took a class in college!  For all that, my hubby is still the best bowler in our family.  He's awesome.  This is one of my favorite bowling scenes...
I tried to get the whole thing with his friend coming in and asking what was with the senior citizens, but you tube doesn't appear to have a good clip.  Enjoy!  This is one of our favorite movies.  😉

National Chess Day - another video for chess...  not quite as dangerous as the Harry Potter version, lol.  Do you like chess?  My kids like to play it... 

Navy Birthday - This should be a big thing, don't you think?  I mean, the navy is the best.  How many women fell for those uniforms in WWII??  At least that's all you see in the movies, lol.  Found a kind of fun video clip celebrating the Naval birthday.  It's been 242 years!!  wow...

Silly Sayings Day - Well, this is a great day.  How many silly sayings did you grow up with?  My hubby's family has lots of them.  "For crying tears in the sink" is one of their favorites.  My mom always told the pouty kids "don't stick that lip out too far or a rooster gonna come sit on it."
What's your favorite silly saying??  Reminds me of silly songs with Larry...from the Veggie Tales videos.  I guess it's not a silly saying, but it's silly!!

World Egg Day - have you ever heard the question, which came first, the chicken or the egg?  Well, I guess this is the day we celebrate the egg.  It's quite the thing, you know.  Lots of protein, yummy, and you can do sooo much with it!!  What's your favorite way to eat one?  I think it's a toss up between scrambled and sunnyside up with the yolk just right...dip the toast in there and yum...  😊

Friday the 13th - So...listening to the radio on the way to work this morning, Glenn Beck was talking about a flight to Helsinki Finland that flew today.  Friday the 13th, at the 1300 hour, and the code name is Hell for Helsinki.  So...if you wanted to be totally crazy, you'd hop on this flight, which is flight 666...and fly to hell on Friday the 13th.  If you were superstitious, wouldn't that just give you hives???  lol

Yorkshire pudding day - not really into yorkshire pudding, but there are loads of people that like it.  Enjoy the meat dripping pudding...  ugh.  :)

And so -thus ends our Friday edition of the silly stuff emails.  Hope you have a great day and an even better weekend. 

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Wow... really??

so - I didn't realize it has been that long since my last post.  I think I kind of gave up on it, knowing I don't have many follower...