Wednesday, November 04, 2015

It's the Middle of the Week Already???

It's the middle of the week already...and November.  Whew things are going by fast.  Today there are just a couple of items that I thought you'd enjoy.

National Candy Day -
well now, an excuse to eat up the rest of the Halloween candy, right?   What's that, you say?  You already ate all the candy?  Okay then...I guess you've had your candy day. lol  We still have a bowl sitting out that my daughter bought since no one is young enough to trick or treat anymore.  Ugh.  Ate entirely too many laughy taffys last Saturday and paid for it Sunday.  No thanks...

and kind of to counter act
National Use Your Common Sense Day.  Who needs a day like this??  Oh well...we do need a reminder now and then, I guess.  Even as adults..because most of us don't want to be adults any more.  Especially when we have adult children who are refusing to grow up and ...never mind.  😊

So, enjoy this lovely brisk fall day and eat some candy.  I would recommend the dark chocolate stuff, lol.

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Wow... really??

so - I didn't realize it has been that long since my last post.  I think I kind of gave up on it, knowing I don't have many follower...