Thursday, January 28, 2016

The Sun is Shining!

Which is usually a good thing when there's a lot of snow outside.  :)  I know we have more coming, (hopefully) so I'm not going to grouch about some sunshine.  Besides, we need that too.  Everyone needs their Vitamin D.  :)

I hope you've been having a great week.  We only have a couple of things.
First - It's National Kazoo Day! 
Yeah!  Everyone dig out your Kazoos and serenade your neighbor.  My husbands grandmother was in a kazoo band until she moved to Utah, and they used to go perform all sorts of places.  She was a hoot.

and last, it's National Blueberry Pancake day.  Sounds like a winner to me!!  That's what we have every conference Sunday - or rather waffles, but it started out as pancakes.  Anyone else for a dinner of breakfast? Wonder if I can talk my son into these instead of mac n cheese...

Hope you have a great day.

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Wow... really??

so - I didn't realize it has been that long since my last post.  I think I kind of gave up on it, knowing I don't have many follower...