Sunday, June 04, 2023

Wow... really??

so - I didn't realize it has been that long since my last post.  I think I kind of gave up on it, knowing I don't have many followers out there who are reading it, and feeling like I was just being silly with some of my posts - mainly the whole holiday bit.  sigh.  So...  It's been almost 20 years since I started this blog. Kind of fitting that it's kind of slowed down, I guess.  I'm not sure if I'm going to drop it all together...  there are so many other ways of expressing oneself now, facebook, instagram, youtube, etc.  All the things that weren't really out there when I started this.

It's kind of crazy when you think about it.  I was hoping that there were posts from when we had Jethros, that's when I started blogging in the first place, trying to encourage customers to the pizza store.  But, nope - this is it.  I started this after we closed that down.

Now I'm close to entering another phase of life - I'm actually preparing to retire so that I can write and paint full time.  Apparently I'll probably also be tending my grandson, depending on how that works out - but not for another year-ish.  I'm not planning on retiring till December.

Anyway - crazy how life changes and keeps going, and you get lost in the flow.  I've been downloading photos onto my screensaver (which is cool photo album type thing) and there are SOOO many photos that I've forgotten about, and the kids have changed so much over the years.

We've gone from a family of 9 in the past twenty years, all living in one house, to a family of 6 in the house, one divorced mom with three kids, one remarried son with two kidos (one new baby grandson) and one living in Minnesota and looking for work...

I would never have thought we'd have all these living at home...Clarissa returned from working in Japan and thought she'd buy a house, right when Covid was sort of ending and the housing market went crazy.  They still haven't quite become manageable yet...  

So - much has changed.  But - I'm still with my hubby, and he's still working hard and we both are thinking getting old is the pits, lol.

We love being grandparents for the most part...  grandkids are great when they're not hooked into electronics...  

But anyway - if you're still hanging in there and reading this - thanks!!  Go look up my books and read one, you'll enjoy!  And if you like art, my website is still there...

Have a great awesome Sabbath day!!  You are awesome.  :)


Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Happy Hump Day! And SNOW!!!


It's hump day!  did you realize that there are only 10 more days till Christmas?  Or 11 depending on how you count them, lol.
ARGH!!  Where has this month gone??  I tell's insane. 
Hopefully you're better prepared than I am...and we have at least one of our kids shopping done - the one that lives out of state and we ordered stuff to be delivered to him, lol.  Don't have to go to the post office for that one!!  🙂
Well... and can you believe the snow!!?? 

This is out my back door after I got home from work.  It was snowing, but you couldn't see it in the photo.
We might even have water this summer.  I am loving it!!  One weather report said we were going to have snow through Christmas.  This morning it says RAIN!  UGH.  I hate rain after snow...  🙁 
Let's be's going to be snow.  Snow. Snow...  lol
Anyway - there isn't really anything listed online for celebrating today except for a food item.  Any guesses as to what it is??  You'll never guess...
National Biscuits and Gravy day! Isn't that the best?  We love biscuits and gravy at our house.  Biscuits are so easy to make and so is the gravy.  YUM. 
I recently discovered a Youtube channel that is a New Zealand family who seems to be obsessed with all things American, and they've been trying American food and stuff.  They recently opened a Costco down there, and it's 3 hours from their house - but they had to go!  lol.  And it was all about the dog, pizza, soda  Apparently refills are an American thing.  Who knew?  But anyway - they did one on biscuits and gravy, so I'm sharing the link here so you can get a chuckle.  The biscuits are REALLY flat...and they take the time to break up little sausage links and cook them, lol.  But they liked it!  so...they have taste, lol.
What's funny is all the comments about how it wasn't real biscuits and gravy and how they wished they could fix it for them...
Hopefully you've been getting your fix of Christmas movies.  I saw an article on that was looking for people to participate in a study they would pay $1000 for.  It was studying how to keep the Christmas spirit longer...and one of the study's was watching a Christmas movie every night.  Another one was eating a Christmas meal every day... Not sure about that one.  Thought I was game till I saw that, and opted out.  Maybe one of you should go for it!!  🙂
What are your favorite must watch ones?  Ours are While You Were Sleeping, Christmas Carol with George C Scott, Muppet Christmas Carol, Polar Express, The Man Who Invented Christmas, Last Holiday, Santa Clause 1 and 2...  I can't think of the rest, I know we have a whole shelf, lol.
Anyway - Hope you have a great day, travel safe, and enjoy the season!! 
Here's one of my favorite versions of Drummer Boy for you...

Wow... really??

so - I didn't realize it has been that long since my last post.  I think I kind of gave up on it, knowing I don't have many follower...