Well, I've decided to try and journalize my experiences here regarding ear stapling. I don't know if it will benefit anyone or not - but there we go.
Those of you who know me know that I've been overweight my entire life. There was a short period while I was in college that I was able to loose some with Weight Watchers (tr) but after I got married and had children, it came back with a vengance. I have tried all sorts of diets, but haven't been able to really stick to anything for any lasting benefit. We were contemplating gastric banding (there was no way I was going to do anything more drastic like the bypass!) but found our insurance won't cover it, and it's close to $17,000 for the proceedure. Forget that!!!
We have a neighbor who is also our Chiropractor, and he does acupuncture at his offices. (Not him personally, but he has it offered) We talked to him about it and he told me to think about it for a couple of weeks, knowing it would take effort on my part - it wouldn't be a miracle cure.
We came back and decided to do it. I didn't even realize he was talking about an ear staple! I thought I was getting needles in my ear or something! He is licensed to perform this aspect, so I felt fine with him doing it.
I had heard about stapling a long time ago - but had forgotten all about it and had never concidered it. Now I'm wondering why?
But anyway, it was relatively simple - he found the spot in my ear where it's supposed to affect the appetite center of the brain, and clamped the staple in. He said that his patients have told him it's like getting your ear pierced with the gun, and I guess that's pretty much it. He kind of loosened it a little, and sent us on our way. He did tell us that it usually only has a 60% success rate, so it's still something that's not going to happen over night.
After this, I went home and got online and looked up the procedure. (I know, a little LATE! grin) I found that there are many differing oppinions about it, on both sides of the fence. Apparently what he told me was correct. One site said there is usually 20% that have dramatic results, 20% that it doesn't really do anything for and 60% that it has average results.
I'm hoping I'm going to be one of the dramatic (grin) but probably not. In the two weeks he told us to think about it, he asked me to try an acid free diet. I think it's crazy, but I'm still trying to follow it. Basically no or little bread and pasta!!! argh! It's been a little hard in that department. Little meat (like that's a big surprise) and lots and lots of veggies and some fruit. I lost 4 pounds in those two weeks before I got the staple! The hardest part is weekends and we are eating all the meals together as a family. We don't always eat at a set schedule, and he says to follow that plan, you should. Hmm.... we're trying. My hubby is being a champ and trying it with me. I guess we'll see how he does too.
At this point, I haven't really felt any benefit from it, although at least it's stopped being really painful (much as when your ears are healing from being pierced). I can sort of lay down on it now, but it's still tender. There is no sign of infection, and we are told that shouldn't happen as long as I keep things clean.
I'm going to keep track of my weight here as well...so I guess here goes - (it's really hard to see it in physical numbers, okay?)
January 2006 -
weight - 322 lbs
height - 5'7"
Normal blood sugar
High Blood pressure
Good Cholesteral
Sorry for the spelling, I'm a writer, but I love the dictionary and the spell checker!
So, anyway. If you're going to comment, please do not post anything obnoxious or negative - it's a little late now. thanks.
Have a good one!
I'm a grandma, wife, mother, crazy writer, spaz artist and face painter who is a disciple of Christ, loves to cook and read and wishes there were more hours in the day...oh and dark chocolate lover!
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Million lies - Million Pieces - who knows?
Well...I'm going to vent this morning. Many of you have probably seen or heard or probably even read the book a Million Pieces. I have vaguely heard of it, but have no interest in reading it. I could care less about Oprah claiming it for her bookclub...;) anyway, my daughter asked me if I'd read it when she dropped in to visit me yesterday. I said no - she said I should. It does have lots of language (she tells me, knowing I don't read swear words and such if I can avoid it!!) but otherwise it's a cool book. It's about an addict and how he overcomes his addiction and his life and stuff. She tells me this because her boyfriend is coming out of rehab next Tuesday, and she's so excited she can't stand it.
Let me say at this point that she's never known the boy outside of rehab...she only met him while writing letters and then meeting him there. (it's a scary world, isn't it?)So....to continue on...;)
I have an online book club I belong to and while there this morning (declining my book choices for the month...grin) I noticed one of the books available was Million Pieces. I figured I'd read what the reviews said. Wow, what a mixed bag. Half of them said it was the most wonderful, powerful book they had ever written, and the other half hated him, hated the book, and or didn't care.
I thought that was interesting. Several of them referenced a web site called Smoking Gun, so I figured I'd go see what that fuss was about. Well...apparently this guy that wrote the book that is supposed to be NON-fiction, elaborated or enhanced his life to the point where much of his criminal activties (which he seems to be very proud of) never happened.
My point in bringing this up is stuff like this does NOT help the average writer! Especially those who write Non-fiction! They go to alot of effort (at least the ones I know do) to make sure what they are writing is factual. Why bother calling it non-fiction if it's not? Apparently this guy tried to publish it as Fiction, and couldn't do it. So he supposedly changed the fictional parts and was able to publish it as non. They had some blurbs on the Smoking Gun site, and just those few blurbs made me want to avoid the book. It sounds totally self serving and vile. And yet, he got his fame. He got his money - he got his book contract, movie contract and wrote another book. He is apparently writing yet another book, although he claims this one is fiction. I tell you, in my oppinion, he's had lots of practice.
Many of the "I love it's" stated that while the book as a whole might not be true, the facts from an addicts point of view were and it was amazing. Well...I've had some experience with family and addiction - while I'm not an expert, I do believe I know a small amount about it. Usually if you are drawn into that much of the underbelly of society as he claims he was, it's a long climb back up, and there is usually proof of it somewhere - you usually are unable to hide the effects in your face, your manner, your health.
This guy's mug shots look like a good kid having a night on the town. Even his college days he graduated with his class when he was supposedly stoned the whole time.
It makes me feel sorry for the real addicts who are going to read this book and think they can break it on their own. Because that's what he preaches. Yes, I did say preach. Apparently he says he doesn't believe in a 'Higher Power' or that the 12 steps work for anyone. To me, that's asking for trouble, and I wonder how much he sold his soul for.There are so many out there who desperately need help to overcome their addictions, and he's telling them they can do it on their own! The reason this worries me in relation to my daughter, is she was of the mind that she could help him change his habits...change his addiction. She could do this. My brother, who happens to be a retired deputy sheriff, just shakes his head at her. He's seen too many situations like this, and I have to say, it doesn't usually come out rosy.
Now that she's read this book, and probably her boyfriend has read it, they are both going to be thinking they can do this on their own! That they don't need God (which is something she's been trying to tell us for 4 years now) and they can do all on their own. It's breaks the heart.
Nothing I have to say is going to affect this man. Nor will anyone probably read my views on the matter. I just felt the need to express my thoughts before they dissipated. I feel bad that Oprah has chosen to pick a book no parent in their right mind would want a child to read. I understand she was picking classics and great works before this one.
I guess what really saddens me - is the reaction of some of these people who loved the book. They couldn't put it down...it took them three or four days to read, but they were caught up in it. WHY?? I've tried to read a couple of books that someone brought me - and had to put it down after the first chapter or so and realized what I was reading! Yuck! How can you get past the garbage to enjoy the plot or premis of the book?
I'm sorry - I hope I don't offend anyone - but if you want to read trash (which is basically what I feel his book is) there's lots of porn and other stuff out there if you want to go looking for it. It doesn't need to be dredged up and wiped off for the rest of us to try smelling it. It won't be pretty, no matter how it's dressed up.
I have to add - Yes, sometimes life is NOT pretty. Sometimes it's pretty raw and ugly. That's life. That's war. That's pain. And, lest you think I'm a naive person who doesn't really know anything, I've been in foster homes my whole youth - had foster brothers who drank and smoke and did drugs and had friends that did drugs and messed up their lives. I've been in the 'real' world. I have a choice now.
I don't have to fill my mind with worthless smutt that's not going to enlighten my thoughts or make my world a better place.
Just my two cents for the day...Hope you have a good one - I'm going to find something to make me smile!
Let me say at this point that she's never known the boy outside of rehab...she only met him while writing letters and then meeting him there. (it's a scary world, isn't it?)So....to continue on...;)
I have an online book club I belong to and while there this morning (declining my book choices for the month...grin) I noticed one of the books available was Million Pieces. I figured I'd read what the reviews said. Wow, what a mixed bag. Half of them said it was the most wonderful, powerful book they had ever written, and the other half hated him, hated the book, and or didn't care.
I thought that was interesting. Several of them referenced a web site called Smoking Gun, so I figured I'd go see what that fuss was about. Well...apparently this guy that wrote the book that is supposed to be NON-fiction, elaborated or enhanced his life to the point where much of his criminal activties (which he seems to be very proud of) never happened.
My point in bringing this up is stuff like this does NOT help the average writer! Especially those who write Non-fiction! They go to alot of effort (at least the ones I know do) to make sure what they are writing is factual. Why bother calling it non-fiction if it's not? Apparently this guy tried to publish it as Fiction, and couldn't do it. So he supposedly changed the fictional parts and was able to publish it as non. They had some blurbs on the Smoking Gun site, and just those few blurbs made me want to avoid the book. It sounds totally self serving and vile. And yet, he got his fame. He got his money - he got his book contract, movie contract and wrote another book. He is apparently writing yet another book, although he claims this one is fiction. I tell you, in my oppinion, he's had lots of practice.
Many of the "I love it's" stated that while the book as a whole might not be true, the facts from an addicts point of view were and it was amazing. Well...I've had some experience with family and addiction - while I'm not an expert, I do believe I know a small amount about it. Usually if you are drawn into that much of the underbelly of society as he claims he was, it's a long climb back up, and there is usually proof of it somewhere - you usually are unable to hide the effects in your face, your manner, your health.
This guy's mug shots look like a good kid having a night on the town. Even his college days he graduated with his class when he was supposedly stoned the whole time.
It makes me feel sorry for the real addicts who are going to read this book and think they can break it on their own. Because that's what he preaches. Yes, I did say preach. Apparently he says he doesn't believe in a 'Higher Power' or that the 12 steps work for anyone. To me, that's asking for trouble, and I wonder how much he sold his soul for.There are so many out there who desperately need help to overcome their addictions, and he's telling them they can do it on their own! The reason this worries me in relation to my daughter, is she was of the mind that she could help him change his habits...change his addiction. She could do this. My brother, who happens to be a retired deputy sheriff, just shakes his head at her. He's seen too many situations like this, and I have to say, it doesn't usually come out rosy.
Now that she's read this book, and probably her boyfriend has read it, they are both going to be thinking they can do this on their own! That they don't need God (which is something she's been trying to tell us for 4 years now) and they can do all on their own. It's breaks the heart.
Nothing I have to say is going to affect this man. Nor will anyone probably read my views on the matter. I just felt the need to express my thoughts before they dissipated. I feel bad that Oprah has chosen to pick a book no parent in their right mind would want a child to read. I understand she was picking classics and great works before this one.
I guess what really saddens me - is the reaction of some of these people who loved the book. They couldn't put it down...it took them three or four days to read, but they were caught up in it. WHY?? I've tried to read a couple of books that someone brought me - and had to put it down after the first chapter or so and realized what I was reading! Yuck! How can you get past the garbage to enjoy the plot or premis of the book?
I'm sorry - I hope I don't offend anyone - but if you want to read trash (which is basically what I feel his book is) there's lots of porn and other stuff out there if you want to go looking for it. It doesn't need to be dredged up and wiped off for the rest of us to try smelling it. It won't be pretty, no matter how it's dressed up.
I have to add - Yes, sometimes life is NOT pretty. Sometimes it's pretty raw and ugly. That's life. That's war. That's pain. And, lest you think I'm a naive person who doesn't really know anything, I've been in foster homes my whole youth - had foster brothers who drank and smoke and did drugs and had friends that did drugs and messed up their lives. I've been in the 'real' world. I have a choice now.
I don't have to fill my mind with worthless smutt that's not going to enlighten my thoughts or make my world a better place.
Just my two cents for the day...Hope you have a good one - I'm going to find something to make me smile!
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Happy New Year!
I can't believe it's January already! 2006! that was a year I didn't think I'd ever see. I grew up on science fiction, and this was the year sci fi was made of!!! Wild. I also can't believe how fast Christmas went. We have had the most unusual weather for us...rain!! Snow in the mountains, but rain here! Our Christmas was like California - brown! I couldn't believe how warm it was. Oh well...at least we still got moisture.
Now it's onto the new. I'm not one for making resolutions - I'm trying to make goals, so I have a new goal - however not so very new, but more determined. I am going to be published before the end of the year. I hope your goals work well for you!
Now it's onto the new. I'm not one for making resolutions - I'm trying to make goals, so I have a new goal - however not so very new, but more determined. I am going to be published before the end of the year. I hope your goals work well for you!
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so - I didn't realize it has been that long since my last post. I think I kind of gave up on it, knowing I don't have many follower...
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