I'm a grandma, wife, mother, crazy writer, spaz artist and face painter who is a disciple of Christ, loves to cook and read and wishes there were more hours in the day...oh and dark chocolate lover!
Friday, September 28, 2007
Life is a Highway...
Well, I love that song. We love the movie Cars and that song gets us up and dancing every time. I really cannot sit still to it. I have even danced in the car as we're driving down the road (with the car on cruise control, of course). My hubby was asleep when I did this on our trip to California this last spring. He couldn't believe it when I told him that's how I'd stayed awake when the lines started getting to me. I got a good work out, let me tell you. A large 15 passenger van has pretty good leg room for the driver, and I could get those feet moving...LOL Just picture Foot Loose where he's teaching his friend how to dance and they are sitting on the bleachers just moving their feet.
So, anyway, onto the next set of numbers. I ended on 26 yesterday, what wonders will be behold today?
27. I like music! I like almost any king except punk, hard rock, and anything that screams or has someone just talking with 'music' in the background. I have even come to appreciate country music, although I still can't take the twangy stuff...ugh.
28. I love to dance. My hubby and I purchased a DVD a while ago so we could learn how to dance better -- although I love the way he dances anyway. He likes to dance with me, and we have fun. What else is important?
29. I have attended only three concerts in my lifetime. Pablo Cruise (please tell me you've heard of them???), Yanni and Kenny Loggins. Kenny Loggins was on our honeymoon, and my hubby had no idea at the time that he'd done half the songs we liked. He was blown away. We had to leave our cooler and camera down at the gate, so we were nervous the whole time someone was going to steal it. sigh. It was one of the first concerts at the ski resort by Part City...can't even remember what it was before the Canyons...
30. I love fall. (duhh...lol)
31. I love to watch movies. I've been a movie fiend since I was a kid and you had to watch them in the theater because they didn't come out on video in a couple of months. We didn't even know what video was...
32. I love water. I guess I love the ocean the most, but I love large lakes too, and waterfalls, and swimming and watching my kids play in the water. I used to pretend I was a mermaid a LOT when I was a kid...man, what I would have done if I'd seen Little Mermaid when I was that age!
33. I love the mountains. Especially during the fall, but any time it's hot where I am and cooler there, or anytime it's got 15 feet of snow and I want to pretend I'm snowed in...sigh.
34. Clouds fascinate me. The way they are either drifting across the sky, or look as if someone took a paint brush and put them there, it's amazing. Like this morning, the view of the clouds over the mountains with the sun coming up and there is this light blue sky behind swirls of gray and white clouds...
35. I like everything green. Well...at least outside. I love it when the trees are green, and the grass is green and the bushes, etc.... I loved Oregon.
36. I never knew you were supposed to read your children to sleep. Every time I see a movie where the parent is tucking the child in and reading a story, I feel guilt. We tucked our kids in, but rarely read to them. No one ever read to me...I didn't know.
37. I used to draw on boxes in my room. I don't know if I didn't have enough paper, or it was just the craving to draw, but I used to draw all over them. I can still picture the pen on cardboard sketches of stories I made up in my mind...
38. Sometimes I feel like a misplaced movie character. In the movie You've Got Mail, Meg Ryan's character says that so much of life reminds her of something she read in a book, and she pondered that shouldn't it be the other way around? With my family, we have seen so many movies and quote them to each other that sometimes, I wonder the same thing. So much of life reminds me of a movie, and I wonder if I watch too many of them... Kind of a deep thought for first thing in the morning...ugh.
39. I feel that life is so full of joy. It amazes me how beautiful our planet is, and how wondrous our lives are. We live in a country that takes freedom as a given, where you can make what you want of yourself, and travel where ever and whenever you want. We have a country of such diversity, from mountains to deserts to oceans and glaciers. Beauty beyond compare. It takes your breath away.
40. Hmmm. I'm running out of things. I like my digital camera, I wish I could afford one of those large ones that are a combination SLR and digital and could take the picture of a butterfly from 10 yards away...now that would be a camera!
41. Helping my children with homework gives me a headache. It doesn't matter what you suggest, they don't want to do whatever it is you've suggested. Fine!!
42. What is it with Scouting? Who thought this up in the first place? I didn't grow up with scouting other than my first foster brother who was a Weeblo (sp?) and then dropped out. I guess my real father was into it, my brothers talk about going to scouts every week, but I never saw it. And now as a mother I'm supposed to be pushing this on these kids...no wonder they say the mom does most of it. Why? Sure getting an Eagle is a good thing, but the world isn't going to stop on a dime and die because my sons don't want to earn their Eagles. Despite the fact that it would help the oldest one in his enlistment in the Army...sigh.
43. My favorite medium to paint with is acrylic. I usually do watercolor, but that's only because it's cheaper. Acrylic is like when you were a kid and did finger painting...way more satisfying.
44. Homemade cheesecake. Is there anything better? When I worked at Jacob Lake lodge, they made this cheesecake that was to die for. I kept asking the girl that worked in the bakery how she made it, and she would never tell me the recipe. sigh. The search goes on.
45. I collect cook books. I've only got one full, stuffed, can't fit anything else on it shelf, but I'm going to have to rearrange the cupboard so that I can start on the second one. I especially like the ones with big glossy pictures that show me what the end result is supposed to look like. It doesn't matter if my effort never comes close, just as long as I know what it was supposed to look like!
46. I didn't get my drivers license until I was 19. I just saw no need. I didn't have a car, and I would have had to pay insurance. I went to college and discovered I needed one to cash checks, so on Christmas break, I got it. sigh. Try convincing your own teen that it's a necessary thing when she knows this little tidbit about your past...
47. I love Christmas. Well...actually, I guess I should say I used to. Now, for some reason, I look at the season with dread. Possibly because when I was working I didn't want to decorate and then have to take it all down by myself... I used to get quite involved in decorating our house when we lived in Salt Lake. I'd buy stuff at Big Lots and it was great fun. I guess part of it is I don't have the money to buy stuff frivolously anymore, so we sit with what we've got -- which is tons. I don't know. I guess we'll see how it goes.
I love doing the presents though...this is the 9 ladies dancing I did last year for my brother and his family. I painted one of each item, very small...and found little frames to put them in and hang from the tree. They turned out kind of cute, actually.
48. I've stayed up till 3am reading sometimes...not very often. It's usually when I'm having a problem sleeping.
49. I am not a morning person. I've gotten better as I've had children and a spouse that have to do mornings...but I used to never get up before 10 am. Now I can't stand it...partially because my body doesn't let me. sigh. Age is not for the faint in heart.
50. and finally, the last one for today... I love America. I am so proud to live in a country like ours. Sure we are having problems, and I don't necessarily like the politicians, but I do love our country and I'm so very proud of our military. God bless!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
125 Posts!
Wow. I can remember when I could count the number of blogs on one hand from both of my blogs. Today is blog number 125! It's amazing.
So...as I've read from other blogs, and as I've been in the outer world of blogsphere...I'm doing the counting thing. That's right, the 125 things you never knew and probably didn't ever want to know about me ;-).
I'm tempted to make this into four or five blogs, because personally, that's a LONG list and I don't want to put anyone to sleep or take up their whole morning -- the whole 5 of you that read me...lol.
So...today's 1st 25 things:
1. I was born in California. (I would never move back there, but I love to go visit sometimes)
2. I have two brothers that I love dearly, and 9 other siblings that I've adopted forever that I love just as much. (that's a long story)
3. I love chocolate (although, if you read my blog, you know that's not big surprise.) and have become quite the semi-sweet fan.
4. My parents were converts to the church, but sealed before I was born. (thanks mom and dad).
5. My parents died when I was 4 (mom)and 7 (dad).
6. I've been a foster child since I was 7.
7. I love to sing, but I can't anymore -- dang throat!
8. I never thought I'd have children...well, maybe ONE. sigh
9. I went to three different high schools.
10. I love tennis.
11. I love football!
12. I've been blogging since 2003. I used to have a blog at another site that used to be free, and then started charging. I used to write about our pizza store, and the different aspects of our business. I tried to drive business to our store that way, but blogging was still too new, and our customer base was not techi.
13. I'm a terrible housekeeper -- my hubby is fortunate if I keep him in clean socks.
14. I think the San Diego temple looks like a fairy castle -- I love it!
15. I love to read - I'll be posting a blog at LDS Writers Blogck next week on it.
16. I love to paint. I usually enter the state fair, although this year, I just did the county one. It's posted at my website, g.parker.net.
17. I think I have the best hubby in the world.
18. I served a mission to Oregon - which I think is gorgeous! My first book takes place there.
19. I'm basically lazy -- I have to make myself do things.
20. (sorry, this is a little down) I'm someone's best friend waiting to be found...seriously. I am a great friend, but I never seem to make friends around where I live. I have lots of acquaintances, and no real - in depth - friends. Only you who come read my blog and comment -- I feel closer to you than anyone around here. sigh. Well..except my hubby!! Did I mention I love him loads?
21. I've been married for 21 years!
22. It's a good thing I've split this up, I'm not sure I could come up with 125 things in one day...
I love roses, especially the two tone orange and yellow ones.
23. I like to get balloons for my bday. On my 40th, my hubby filled our family room with 40 balloons! It was the best! I love that scene in Patch Adams where he's filled his room with balloons and no one can see.
24. I also love daisies. I think they are just...simple and bright.
25. I'm going to learn how to insert pictures better, just wait!! I probably just have to find the right ones.
26. Okay, I'm cheating, but one more for today...I love to cook. I rarely use a recipe, which drives my family crazy.
So...as I've read from other blogs, and as I've been in the outer world of blogsphere...I'm doing the counting thing. That's right, the 125 things you never knew and probably didn't ever want to know about me ;-).
I'm tempted to make this into four or five blogs, because personally, that's a LONG list and I don't want to put anyone to sleep or take up their whole morning -- the whole 5 of you that read me...lol.
So...today's 1st 25 things:
1. I was born in California. (I would never move back there, but I love to go visit sometimes)
2. I have two brothers that I love dearly, and 9 other siblings that I've adopted forever that I love just as much. (that's a long story)
3. I love chocolate (although, if you read my blog, you know that's not big surprise.) and have become quite the semi-sweet fan.
4. My parents were converts to the church, but sealed before I was born. (thanks mom and dad).
5. My parents died when I was 4 (mom)and 7 (dad).
6. I've been a foster child since I was 7.
7. I love to sing, but I can't anymore -- dang throat!
8. I never thought I'd have children...well, maybe ONE. sigh
9. I went to three different high schools.
10. I love tennis.
11. I love football!
12. I've been blogging since 2003. I used to have a blog at another site that used to be free, and then started charging. I used to write about our pizza store, and the different aspects of our business. I tried to drive business to our store that way, but blogging was still too new, and our customer base was not techi.
13. I'm a terrible housekeeper -- my hubby is fortunate if I keep him in clean socks.
14. I think the San Diego temple looks like a fairy castle -- I love it!
15. I love to read - I'll be posting a blog at LDS Writers Blogck next week on it.
16. I love to paint. I usually enter the state fair, although this year, I just did the county one. It's posted at my website, g.parker.net.
17. I think I have the best hubby in the world.
18. I served a mission to Oregon - which I think is gorgeous! My first book takes place there.
19. I'm basically lazy -- I have to make myself do things.
20. (sorry, this is a little down) I'm someone's best friend waiting to be found...seriously. I am a great friend, but I never seem to make friends around where I live. I have lots of acquaintances, and no real - in depth - friends. Only you who come read my blog and comment -- I feel closer to you than anyone around here. sigh. Well..except my hubby!! Did I mention I love him loads?
21. I've been married for 21 years!
22. It's a good thing I've split this up, I'm not sure I could come up with 125 things in one day...
I love roses, especially the two tone orange and yellow ones.
23. I like to get balloons for my bday. On my 40th, my hubby filled our family room with 40 balloons! It was the best! I love that scene in Patch Adams where he's filled his room with balloons and no one can see.
24. I also love daisies. I think they are just...simple and bright.
25. I'm going to learn how to insert pictures better, just wait!! I probably just have to find the right ones.
26. Okay, I'm cheating, but one more for today...I love to cook. I rarely use a recipe, which drives my family crazy.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Apples, Apples Everywhere, and Lots of Them for Me!
Well, now that we've had a few days of cooler weather, the apples are really coming on. We helped my brother pick some from his tree last week, but now we need to pick ours. I'm ways excited for applesauce and apple juice. Our applesauce is the best because we don't add sugar. I look forward to making juice, because last year we did a wassail base that was just wonderful -- our kids wanted to drink all of it before we canned it.
Last night for family night we made caramel dip and cut up some apples and sat around the table eating. It was great. We still have some dip, so we might have to cut up some more. Right now though, I need to make zucchini bread because we have some ripe bananas that need to be used.
So, I need to get to work! Hopefully tomorrow I'll post pictures of our wonderful mountains with their fall colors and snow caps. sigh. Have I mentioned I love this time of year?
Last night for family night we made caramel dip and cut up some apples and sat around the table eating. It was great. We still have some dip, so we might have to cut up some more. Right now though, I need to make zucchini bread because we have some ripe bananas that need to be used.
So, I need to get to work! Hopefully tomorrow I'll post pictures of our wonderful mountains with their fall colors and snow caps. sigh. Have I mentioned I love this time of year?
Monday, September 24, 2007
Well...we've reached 'normality', I think... We have finally entered the world of braces. Our children have been lucky enough in one respect to get my straight teeth. A couple have inherited my hubbies anti-cavity teeth. But two of them have issues, and one of those has gotten braces today.
Poor kid.
This is not a socially active or caring teen, so he doesn't really care and they don't seem to hurt him today, so I guess we'll see. Anyone else entered this world of wires and monthly dental visits and payments? What a drag.
He tried to talk me out of taking him back to school, but I informed him that since he wasn't in pain, and he was failing the class that he had this afternoon, he was going. He didn't really talk to me for the rest of the ride. sigh. This is the same son that had another emotional breakdown last night while we were celebrating his little brother's bday. There are times I don't think having children are worth it.
And everyone told us that having boys were easier...they never had sons like mine.
We had our first snow of the season, and it looks so cool over the fall leaves on the mountains. I know it will melt soon, but it's gorgeous while it lasts.
Poor kid.
This is not a socially active or caring teen, so he doesn't really care and they don't seem to hurt him today, so I guess we'll see. Anyone else entered this world of wires and monthly dental visits and payments? What a drag.
He tried to talk me out of taking him back to school, but I informed him that since he wasn't in pain, and he was failing the class that he had this afternoon, he was going. He didn't really talk to me for the rest of the ride. sigh. This is the same son that had another emotional breakdown last night while we were celebrating his little brother's bday. There are times I don't think having children are worth it.
And everyone told us that having boys were easier...they never had sons like mine.
We had our first snow of the season, and it looks so cool over the fall leaves on the mountains. I know it will melt soon, but it's gorgeous while it lasts.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Please Don't Let Him Find me!!!
Okay, this was just too funny. I saw this on another site, and it's exactly what writers have nightmares about -- see if you don't think so!
My Life is a Blog
I've begun to think that I need to take my camera everywhere with me. I've thought that way for a long time because I'll be driving along and see a gorgeous view and wish I had my camera with me, but lately it's been because of the blogging.
I'll be doing something or the kids will do something cute and I'll think, man! I should have gotten a picture of that -- everyone would laugh. I just never think that in time to get the actual shot! Oh well.
However, I don't want to become too picture happy. I've been to blogs where that is basically all their site is -- pictures. I love pictures, and I like seeing the people that I'm reading the thoughts of, but what I'm out there for is to read. I like to read what they write. Mostly, it's humorous and I enjoy humor.
I wish I wrote more of it, and wrote it better.
But anyway, last night was my son's bday party. He wanted to go see a movie (we give them an option, the dollar theater or swimming since we have a family pass. All we'd have to do is pay for the guests...he picked the movie theater this time...sigh.) and the only one playing at a decent time was Evan Almighty. What a hoot! There was one kid that kept asking if Spiderman 3 was playing and if we could see that instead. When he found out that Pirates 3 was playing, he got real excited and asked why we weren't watching that one. It took several repetitions before he finally got the idea that we were watching Evan Almighty -- despite what he wanted. It wasn't his bday party. Right?
But anyway, the movie was great fun, and they all enjoyed it. Turned out to be a great choice. If you haven't seen it, you ought to. Nice clean fun for a change.
I'll be doing something or the kids will do something cute and I'll think, man! I should have gotten a picture of that -- everyone would laugh. I just never think that in time to get the actual shot! Oh well.
However, I don't want to become too picture happy. I've been to blogs where that is basically all their site is -- pictures. I love pictures, and I like seeing the people that I'm reading the thoughts of, but what I'm out there for is to read. I like to read what they write. Mostly, it's humorous and I enjoy humor.
I wish I wrote more of it, and wrote it better.
But anyway, last night was my son's bday party. He wanted to go see a movie (we give them an option, the dollar theater or swimming since we have a family pass. All we'd have to do is pay for the guests...he picked the movie theater this time...sigh.) and the only one playing at a decent time was Evan Almighty. What a hoot! There was one kid that kept asking if Spiderman 3 was playing and if we could see that instead. When he found out that Pirates 3 was playing, he got real excited and asked why we weren't watching that one. It took several repetitions before he finally got the idea that we were watching Evan Almighty -- despite what he wanted. It wasn't his bday party. Right?
But anyway, the movie was great fun, and they all enjoyed it. Turned out to be a great choice. If you haven't seen it, you ought to. Nice clean fun for a change.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
I'm a Bird!
I took this test, and I really like the outcome. I never thought of myself as colorful before, but it's nice to think so...
Your Power Bird is a Cardinal |
You believe that each day is precious, and you spend your times as best as you can. You see the wonder in small things, and you are often content with what you have. You life an interesting, colorful life - and you bring color to those around you. Confident and expressive, you believe you know how to live a good life. You're living it! |
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
I got an award!
What a sweetheart! A blogging friend gave me an award today, and I'm sure she wants me to pass it on, so I'm going to have to go through and remember all the dear women I admire. There are so many of you out there! thanks again, Kerry!
Okay - now that I finally have a brain, I'm going to list those awards! Those of you who read your name, be sure to copy the picture to your blog so you can be proud of yourselves!! Remember, you are all special women and an inspiration to me.
Tristi (I realize she's already been awarded this, but what can I say?)
Candace! (you rock, lady!)
Karen (your poetry is showing your soul)
Karlene (your struggles are ours)
Please pass this award on to those you know! I could list pages of women who have touched my life and inspired me. Thank you ladies!!
Monday, September 17, 2007
I'm Joining the Ranks of Blogdom?
Okay...I always thought that some of the hype around blogging was a little obnoxious, but you know -- writers have to advertise to get read.
So...lately I've been reading about feeds and stuff, and decided to add a new thing to mine. I'm not sure how it's going to work, or even if it's going to bring more people to my blog -- but if it does, then it will be worth it.
I've added Blogrush. You might want to check it out and see about adding it to yours!
I also had a wonderful idea on something to post, but it left me before I gathered it all in. sigh. So...I might post again (gasp, two posts a day? This might become addicting!).
So...lately I've been reading about feeds and stuff, and decided to add a new thing to mine. I'm not sure how it's going to work, or even if it's going to bring more people to my blog -- but if it does, then it will be worth it.
I've added Blogrush. You might want to check it out and see about adding it to yours!
I also had a wonderful idea on something to post, but it left me before I gathered it all in. sigh. So...I might post again (gasp, two posts a day? This might become addicting!).
Glorious Days of Fall
Well, yesterday we had a long day because our church was in the morning, so we took advantage of the opportunity and went up into the canyons to look at the leaves changing.
I also wanted to try out the camera we got at the yard sale. I've decided that it gets the glare from the sun a lot easier than our other camera.
Normally we don't get to do this until general conference in October, and by then the leaves have usually passed their prime. This was the first time in a long time we've got to them before the aspens really start.
It was soooo pretty! I wasn't able to do them justice, but I did get some of them.
My daughter also took a picture of my youngest two, the one on the top was trying to show off the large red leaf he'd picked...it didn't show up.
I hope to be able to get up there again before the aspens are dead, they will be a splash of yellow in the middle of the green and reds....sigh. I just love this time of year!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Yard Sales!
Okay...I'm not sure it's a good thing or not. Yard sales are the most fun, frustrating, wonderful thing ever invented. We found 10 movies this morning at a yard sale...sigh. We also found a wonderful camera for $50 that is way better than the one we bought 5 years ago for $700...is that pathetic or what?
My hubby found a hard drive for his sister, not bad, I was drooling over the camping cooler/grill set that was amazing, didn't EVEN ask for the price of that one. They had a gorgeous TV next door that we refused to ask the price of -- no one had a graphite tennis racquet!!! sigh. I might be forced to buy one...but we really wanted to try and find one used. They are pretty cheap now though...
Hubby got a motorcycle off of KSL that he's been fixing up, and having fun with -- I'm so excited for him. I'll have to grab a photo so you can see it.
So...we've just been spending money, huh?
Have a good one.
My hubby found a hard drive for his sister, not bad, I was drooling over the camping cooler/grill set that was amazing, didn't EVEN ask for the price of that one. They had a gorgeous TV next door that we refused to ask the price of -- no one had a graphite tennis racquet!!! sigh. I might be forced to buy one...but we really wanted to try and find one used. They are pretty cheap now though...
Hubby got a motorcycle off of KSL that he's been fixing up, and having fun with -- I'm so excited for him. I'll have to grab a photo so you can see it.
So...we've just been spending money, huh?
Have a good one.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Dashner Rules!
Okay, talk about a shameless plug! Dashner has the best one. I wish I had thought of it...lol
Anyway, he is having a contest for mentioning his blog in our blog (or my blog as it were) and so here is my blog for it. He's a great writer, and if you haven't ready his series about Jimmy Fincher, you need to. My kids loved them! (well, all of the three that want to read anything right now...)
Here's his blog: http://jamesdashner.blogspot.com/2007/09/win-free-book.html
Anyway, he is having a contest for mentioning his blog in our blog (or my blog as it were) and so here is my blog for it. He's a great writer, and if you haven't ready his series about Jimmy Fincher, you need to. My kids loved them! (well, all of the three that want to read anything right now...)
Here's his blog: http://jamesdashner.blogspot.com/2007/09/win-free-book.html
It's Friday!!
Okay, so it's not the thrill it used to be in school, especially college, but it's still fun. We usually party together as a family on Friday...or I get to do theater shops, which is fun because we love movies. Tonight we get to go bowling. While I suck at the sport - although I used to be good in college, sigh -- I love the interaction and the atmosphere.
Not all bowling alleys are the same though, and so some are more fun than others. Some cater to families, and have nights with neon balls and black lights, which are hilarious. Some have discounts for groups -- which we discovered on our daughter's bday, AFTER we had already planned the bday, but too late to use...sigh. Never fails.
Here's a photo my son took for his photo class of my hubby about to get a strike...he's sooo good. Did I mention he's mine?
Anyway, this weekend is also Stake Converence, so it's good and crazy at the same time. I don't mind...at least I'm feeling better and the temperature is lowering and life is good!
Not all bowling alleys are the same though, and so some are more fun than others. Some cater to families, and have nights with neon balls and black lights, which are hilarious. Some have discounts for groups -- which we discovered on our daughter's bday, AFTER we had already planned the bday, but too late to use...sigh. Never fails.
Here's a photo my son took for his photo class of my hubby about to get a strike...he's sooo good. Did I mention he's mine?
Anyway, this weekend is also Stake Converence, so it's good and crazy at the same time. I don't mind...at least I'm feeling better and the temperature is lowering and life is good!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
The Morning After
Well, yesterday was a mixed bag. I was feeling fine until the afternoon, and then I was sick again. I still got some writing done, but ugh. My son got the spacers put in his teeth in preparation for braces, and he's NOT happy, Bob. I asked my hubby and he said, hey, he'd been there, and well, it hurts. Not much you can do. Poor boy.
We watched Flight 93 last night in honor of the day, and I had forgotten lots. We were trying to find the one that they had made from a documentary, but Blockbusters doesn't carry it any more. We thought that was an interesting commentary.
We also thought it was interesting that while the report on the war said we are doing great on all the things we were trying to accomplish, there was just one area of difficulty, and that's the one everyone reported on. Give me a break, huh? Can't something be positive??? Of course not -- this is the media.
The water got turned on in the garden and I think it was left on all night again...this has been the worst year for our garden. Our tomatoes are just now beginning to turn red. I was hoping to be canning salsa...don't think so. At least we'll have apples and applesauce -- I get to go gather from my brother's pear tree too. We love pears. Our peach tree had a whole 4 peaches, I think...sigh. Poor thing is dying out. We do have pumpkins! I'm excited, anything beats buying them.
Hubby got the downstairs bathroom pretty much finished!! It's sooo gorgeous with the new tile, I just can't stand it. I was just walking back and forth on it yesterday while he was finishing installing the toilet and he was like, what are you doing? I told him I was enjoying the floor. He really wonders about me sometimes...lol
And...ta dah! Our youngest daughter finally finished her adult diploma! Did she tell me? No... I know who's who in this house, let me tell you. Dad is the one they all go talk to...sigh.
So...still feeling kind of yucky, I'm going to lay down for a while and then get back to living. Got lots of laundry still to do, sewing to get finished and writing. hmmm...just a few things.
We watched Flight 93 last night in honor of the day, and I had forgotten lots. We were trying to find the one that they had made from a documentary, but Blockbusters doesn't carry it any more. We thought that was an interesting commentary.
We also thought it was interesting that while the report on the war said we are doing great on all the things we were trying to accomplish, there was just one area of difficulty, and that's the one everyone reported on. Give me a break, huh? Can't something be positive??? Of course not -- this is the media.
The water got turned on in the garden and I think it was left on all night again...this has been the worst year for our garden. Our tomatoes are just now beginning to turn red. I was hoping to be canning salsa...don't think so. At least we'll have apples and applesauce -- I get to go gather from my brother's pear tree too. We love pears. Our peach tree had a whole 4 peaches, I think...sigh. Poor thing is dying out. We do have pumpkins! I'm excited, anything beats buying them.
Hubby got the downstairs bathroom pretty much finished!! It's sooo gorgeous with the new tile, I just can't stand it. I was just walking back and forth on it yesterday while he was finishing installing the toilet and he was like, what are you doing? I told him I was enjoying the floor. He really wonders about me sometimes...lol
And...ta dah! Our youngest daughter finally finished her adult diploma! Did she tell me? No... I know who's who in this house, let me tell you. Dad is the one they all go talk to...sigh.
So...still feeling kind of yucky, I'm going to lay down for a while and then get back to living. Got lots of laundry still to do, sewing to get finished and writing. hmmm...just a few things.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
I Haven't Forgotten...
Today is a day that I can hear that gravelly voice in my head saying "This shall go down as a day of infamy..."
Today is very much a Pearl Harbor for me. This is the day my world was rocked with such a shock, that I still cry when I see pictures of it.
I don't know how anyone can forget that day. What is worse, how can we not support the troops that are over there, keeping it from here?
A fellow blogger had this YouTube connection, and after viewing it, I knew that it was just the thing for today. I hope it reminds you what is important. I hope it helps you never to forget.
I guess this blog will have several things, perhaps six, huh? But here is one of my favorite Alan Jackson Songs...
One of the neatest things I've read, is that several people are making this a day of service to others. Of reaching out. When we owned a pizza store, we used to give free pizza to the police, EMT, paramedic and firemen that would come to the store. If they had family that could prove military or other involvement, we sold them pizza's at half price. We put signs on the store thanking them and letting people sign them. I'll never forget the expressions of thanks and surprise. It was wonderful when we had the little store by the base. That was the most heart warming.
I've been trying to think all day what we could do as a family now that we don't have an obvious means of giving, and I haven't come up with anything yet. I do wish we had a giant flag, I would hang it from our roof.
I couldn't put Lee Greenwood's song here, but I could put the website where you can go watch his wonderful video. "I'm Proud to be an American."
With all the troubles of our country, I still love it best. It's still the greatest country in the world. Still has some of the greatest hearts and souls. Still needs me, even though it seems my small amount doesn't mean much.
Take a moment today and remember.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Well...I'm finally feeling a little bit better. Yesterday I thought I was going to church - I was supposed to teach a lesson even - but it didn't happen. I was back in bed, wishing my stomach belonged to someone else.
Today, so far, so good - but my stomach is still being iffy. I hate that achy feeling...sigh.
I had lots of deep thoughts yesterday, but they've vaporized with the new day. Hopefully some of them will come back so that I can share them with you.
One thing I was going to talk about for a friend. I was talking about a book I had purchased to help my daughter during a difficult time. She (my daughter) was totally addicted to reading. We are not talking just liking to read when she wasn't doing other things--I'm talking about stealing a book because she wanted to read it so bad. She got caught twice, once by us, once by a store, and at that point had to pay the consequences. She paid the store back, but it's been a sting she hasn't liked to talk about for a long time. It's an embarrassment for her.
We have the opposite problem some parents do. We don't have to worry about our children reading. We have to worry that they are reading when they are supposed to be doing something else...like listening in class! We even had one child almost come to blows with his teacher because the teacher tried to take his book away!
Now...given the thought that just crossed my mind that there was something in life so awful that they were escaping into books over it, (I shudder to think that was a reality) or they were just soo into reading that everything else was boring...I'm not sure. I don't think we have been that bad of parents, I mean, we're certainly not perfect, but we do try. However -- they do come by their addiction honestly.
I mean, I'm a reader. I read anything that comes before me. If I'm at the doctors office I stock up on magazines and read till they drag me out. If I am sitting waiting for someone, my first thought is what can I read? We go to the library weekly during the summer, and I'll check out at least 5 books...if not more. And these are not little thin ones either. Sometimes they'll be cook books, or self help with something like decorating, but usually and more often than not, it's reading material.
My kids aren't much different. Although, it's usually only two or three books for them.
My husband would read if he had the time -- he used to drive his mother crazy because he loved to read and he would read the same books over and over. She'd ask him why in the world he would want to read the same books over and over!? He liked them. I do the same thing. I have several books that are my favorites and I keep them for times when I was a relaxing read.
I'm looking for new authors all the time because I go through series so fast. Right now I'm trying to find all the LDS authors that I know and read their books. Unfortunately, not all of them are at the library. sigh.
But anyway...that's my family. We read. What is funny, is it doesn't seem to hit until jr. high. They HATE reading before then, which is strange. I have to coax and plead and threaten my youngest to get his 30 minutes in, and in a different book than he's already claimed to read all summer...
My biggest fear is that I'll loose my eyesight and not be able to read. If I loose my hearing at the same time, my world will be hard until I discover what blessing the Lord has given me in exchange. There's always a blessing in there, it just takes finding it! grin.
Today, so far, so good - but my stomach is still being iffy. I hate that achy feeling...sigh.
I had lots of deep thoughts yesterday, but they've vaporized with the new day. Hopefully some of them will come back so that I can share them with you.
One thing I was going to talk about for a friend. I was talking about a book I had purchased to help my daughter during a difficult time. She (my daughter) was totally addicted to reading. We are not talking just liking to read when she wasn't doing other things--I'm talking about stealing a book because she wanted to read it so bad. She got caught twice, once by us, once by a store, and at that point had to pay the consequences. She paid the store back, but it's been a sting she hasn't liked to talk about for a long time. It's an embarrassment for her.
We have the opposite problem some parents do. We don't have to worry about our children reading. We have to worry that they are reading when they are supposed to be doing something else...like listening in class! We even had one child almost come to blows with his teacher because the teacher tried to take his book away!
Now...given the thought that just crossed my mind that there was something in life so awful that they were escaping into books over it, (I shudder to think that was a reality) or they were just soo into reading that everything else was boring...I'm not sure. I don't think we have been that bad of parents, I mean, we're certainly not perfect, but we do try. However -- they do come by their addiction honestly.
I mean, I'm a reader. I read anything that comes before me. If I'm at the doctors office I stock up on magazines and read till they drag me out. If I am sitting waiting for someone, my first thought is what can I read? We go to the library weekly during the summer, and I'll check out at least 5 books...if not more. And these are not little thin ones either. Sometimes they'll be cook books, or self help with something like decorating, but usually and more often than not, it's reading material.
My kids aren't much different. Although, it's usually only two or three books for them.
My husband would read if he had the time -- he used to drive his mother crazy because he loved to read and he would read the same books over and over. She'd ask him why in the world he would want to read the same books over and over!? He liked them. I do the same thing. I have several books that are my favorites and I keep them for times when I was a relaxing read.
I'm looking for new authors all the time because I go through series so fast. Right now I'm trying to find all the LDS authors that I know and read their books. Unfortunately, not all of them are at the library. sigh.
But anyway...that's my family. We read. What is funny, is it doesn't seem to hit until jr. high. They HATE reading before then, which is strange. I have to coax and plead and threaten my youngest to get his 30 minutes in, and in a different book than he's already claimed to read all summer...
My biggest fear is that I'll loose my eyesight and not be able to read. If I loose my hearing at the same time, my world will be hard until I discover what blessing the Lord has given me in exchange. There's always a blessing in there, it just takes finding it! grin.
Friday, September 07, 2007
There is Life...
Oh...I feel so much better today! It's at that point where you have to be careful though...you think you are totally better and over do and then the next day you're back in bed! LOL Well, I get to spend the afternoon and evening in a movie theater, hopefully seeing movies I want to see and not the one I'm doing a count for...UGH. And hopefully I'll be back on my feet next week. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Someone Put Me Out of my Misery!
Okay...sometime between my visiting teaching and going to Curves with my daughter, I got sick. I didn't feel it really until I started the routine at Curves, but by the time I went around once, I was ready to quit and go home. I ached all over, my stomach hurt and just generally felt lousy. By the time I got home, all I wanted to do was lay down. And all of my sons were supposed to go to a Court of Honor last night!! I missed it! I'm so mad. Thankfully, I think one of my sons took pictures. Anyway...didn't get any writing done, finished the book I was reading, ate some Top Ramen which didn't taste good and went to bed. I was ROASTING! ugh. Today I'm freezing. There's got to be a happy medium somewhere. And I didn't get any writing done yesterday - other than my blog...sigh. Maybe I can pound stuff out while I'm siting here vegetating...
Have I mentioned what a wonderful hubby I have? He's staying home and taking care of me today...sigh.
Have I mentioned what a wonderful hubby I have? He's staying home and taking care of me today...sigh.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
I never thought I'd be a sunrise type person. I am NOT a morning person, if my other posts haven't alerted you to that info...grin. But, in having to be forced to be up with getting my children ready for school, I must be realistic and take care of business.
This morning, I'm sitting at my computer, typing while I'm waiting for the boys to get through with their baths, and here is this gorgeous sunrise outside my window.
Isn't our earth simply amazing? sigh. What a gorgeous day this is going to be. I hope you all have a great sunrise, or if not, a beautiful sunset tonight. Those are excellent too!
Monday, September 03, 2007
Labor Day...the beginning of Fall
We have a discussion in my house with our eldest son that Fall doesn't start until the calendar date. I've told him several times, that as soon as the temp finally falls below 80, we are looking at fall. It's not going to be this week, probably, since the forcast is 90's or 80's, but it's coming, and the nights are getting cooler, which is all I ask for!
I love three day weekends. We all get to sleep in, we all get to hang together, (especially me and my hubby-which is my favorite person to hang with anyway)and we have a BBQ and enjoy the last vacation day of the summer.
When I was growing up in California, the last official day of summer was Labor Day. We all knew school started the Tuesday after, and partied like mad that weekend. (well...partied as much as you can when you're LDS and don't do all the typical things associated with partying...LOL) We knew that there was a long stretch of time between that and our next day off, which was Thanksgiving. Then it was a shorter break between that and Christmas, which we got two weeks off for. Then we had a day in February, and then spring break sometime around Easter, usually the week before or after. Then we had to wait till Memorial Day to celebrate summer again.
I look at my kids schedules now, and they have at least one day off a month, seems like. While they don't get the long stretches of break like I did (unless they were in year round school) they get lots of little breaks. It drives me crazy. Who said school had to start the end of August? What good do those three days do?? And this year, they don't even get a spring break. They have a Friday and a Monday and that's it.
It's a good thing I'm not in charge. LOL
Anyway, one of my favorite seasons is on the way and I can hardly wait for the leaves to start changing!!
Enjoy the last day of summer, I know I will.
I love three day weekends. We all get to sleep in, we all get to hang together, (especially me and my hubby-which is my favorite person to hang with anyway)and we have a BBQ and enjoy the last vacation day of the summer.
When I was growing up in California, the last official day of summer was Labor Day. We all knew school started the Tuesday after, and partied like mad that weekend. (well...partied as much as you can when you're LDS and don't do all the typical things associated with partying...LOL) We knew that there was a long stretch of time between that and our next day off, which was Thanksgiving. Then it was a shorter break between that and Christmas, which we got two weeks off for. Then we had a day in February, and then spring break sometime around Easter, usually the week before or after. Then we had to wait till Memorial Day to celebrate summer again.
I look at my kids schedules now, and they have at least one day off a month, seems like. While they don't get the long stretches of break like I did (unless they were in year round school) they get lots of little breaks. It drives me crazy. Who said school had to start the end of August? What good do those three days do?? And this year, they don't even get a spring break. They have a Friday and a Monday and that's it.
It's a good thing I'm not in charge. LOL
Anyway, one of my favorite seasons is on the way and I can hardly wait for the leaves to start changing!!
Enjoy the last day of summer, I know I will.
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Garden Produce
Well...like the phrase goes...One man's surplus is another man's feast. In our case, it's our zucchini. We have one plant that just went crazy. It's huge...almost 8 feet across. My son's just spotted one that they didn't pick in time, and it was huge. At least 2 feet long.
My hubby took it to work with a couple of smaller ones, and before he even was gone an hour, they were all gone. Especially the big one. The teachers at his school was having a hard time getting hers to grow, so she was thrilled at the produce. I was thrilled when I took some to Curves with me and all but two of them were gone by today. I never dreamed anyone would WANT zucchini...I mean, we like it, but we're getting tired of it by now.
I've only just started making zucchini bread - it never occurred to me to freeze it. I've been freezing everything else...
Anyway, good things come in strange packages. I just hate seeing it go to waste, so this was thrilling to me. And, we got some nice tomatoes from someone else in exchange, and since ours are still green...I'm way happy!
My hubby took it to work with a couple of smaller ones, and before he even was gone an hour, they were all gone. Especially the big one. The teachers at his school was having a hard time getting hers to grow, so she was thrilled at the produce. I was thrilled when I took some to Curves with me and all but two of them were gone by today. I never dreamed anyone would WANT zucchini...I mean, we like it, but we're getting tired of it by now.
I've only just started making zucchini bread - it never occurred to me to freeze it. I've been freezing everything else...
Anyway, good things come in strange packages. I just hate seeing it go to waste, so this was thrilling to me. And, we got some nice tomatoes from someone else in exchange, and since ours are still green...I'm way happy!
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so - I didn't realize it has been that long since my last post. I think I kind of gave up on it, knowing I don't have many follower...
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