I'm a grandma, wife, mother, crazy writer, spaz artist and face painter who is a disciple of Christ, loves to cook and read and wishes there were more hours in the day...oh and dark chocolate lover!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Happy New Year!
I can't believe it's the New Year already. 2009 seems like something out of science fiction, but I've felt that way since the beginning of the new millennium. What intrigued me was how it is portrayed in art.
For some reason, they associate babies with the new year, and old men, or grim reapers for the old. I thought I'd look into some of the older art and see how the art has changed from the past. Some of it is kind of cool, some of them art really beautiful. I think we have lost some of the pride that comes with illustration in the modern times. I think we use too much of the computer world in our art -- at least in most of the publishing world...but perhaps that's a soap box for another day.
I really like these older images. They have character and richness. Some would say, perhaps, that they are cluttered and busy. I guess there are two points of view.
Here is one that shows the old man and little baby fighting over the ending and beginning of the year...sorry it's fuzzy. (I have a hard time switching gif pictures into jpg.) I just think the imagery is funny.
Here's the vintage view of the baby turning back the clock...I guess that's what he's supposed to be doing. Then we have the modern baby...
I like this one that shows kind of the two of them together, in a combination of kind of vintage and modern.
I have mixed feelings when it comes to New Year. Sometimes I'm really excited to start over and have things be new...I guess that's where the little baby aspect comes in. But there are other times when I'm sad to see the old year end, and that's probably the old man or grim reaper image.
How do you view the New Year? Whatever way you see it, however you celebrate it, I hope you have a wonderful New Year. May this one be even better than the year before, may you find peace and happiness, or the ability to deal with your trials.
Return to the Neighborhood.
Friday, December 26, 2008
The Nutcracker
Another one of my favorite things about Christmas and art, is the Nutcracker. My goal is to make it to one of the live productions one year. It doesn't even have to be in the center front -- just somewhere that I have a good view.
I make my family suffer through the dollar DVD I purchased a couple of years ago, since I can never find the one with Baryshnikov. sigh. I figure he's the best there ever was...
Ballet is an art form in and of itself, though I find that the costumes are usually too...skin tight. So, I guess in that way I'm not a true fan of Ballet. Oh well...grin.
I think Ballet is amazing though -- I was going to learn it when I was a little girl. I remember asking my dad for ballet slippers. Everyone gave me that look...you know when you're a chubby kid and ask for something that a slim and graceful child would get? sigh. So, I got that look a lot. I didn't get the slippers either, but I did get a box for them...go figure.
Anyway, the Nutcracker is my favorite Ballet. It's probably the only ballet I've ever seen, but it's still my favorite. In looking up the information on it, I discovered that there are a couple of different versions. I was hoping I would find out the first or original one, but there isn't such a thing. Each version depended (apparently) on the king or ruler of the land at the time. I had no idea it was so politically involved.
All I can say is that if you love ballet, you'll love this. My favorite part is where the dramatics are all over and they're in the princes kingdom, and they are watching performances of different dances. I especially love the oriental dance (I don't know if it's Chinese or Japanese...)with the fans. That's amazing. I also love the Russian dance.
If you haven't had a chance to see it or watch it this year, go rent it and give it a try. There's a version with McCauley Caulkin in it, but I don't think it's very good. Baryshnikov's the best.
Hope you had a marvelous (and safe) Christmas!!
Return to the Neighborhood
Monday, December 22, 2008
Merry Christmas
It's my privilege to write, my privilege to blog. Sometimes I really enjoy it, sometimes it's a pain. This week it's crazy, next week is insane, but that's life and you roll with it.
The world of art is a large and many varied thing -- many colors, many moods, many views. I'm sure I only cover a small percentage of what is out there and called art, but I do my best. I hope you enjoy my thoughts and reflections on the subject.
Today's blog is going to be read on Christmas day (that's if anyone goes online and reads blogs on Christmas day...there's so many other things to do) and so I felt that it was time to reflect and to send my wishes out over the internet across the computers of the world. (That's to the whole 5 who consistently read my blog...grin)
There's a lovely song out called My Grown up Christmas Wish. Since I don't really remember writing Santa or having Christmas wishes when I was a child, I figure it's okay for me to have them as an adult. The song's lyrics are much more altruistic than my thoughts -- but bear with me.
My first wish is that there was enough money for everyone. Enough money so I could finish remodeling my house and be out of debt -- for all my family, neighbors and friends to be out of debt. For there to be no homeless -- no one loosing their homes...
My second wish would be that there could be peace. Peace between family members, neighbors, opposite political views, nations and countries. We all inhabit this planet and all depend on it's resources -- you'd think we could stop being spoiled and greedy and get along. But then, I don't think most of us are mature enough. Grin.
My third wish would be that we could all celebrate Christmas in a wonderful magical way. Sometimes Christmas is an exciting time, full of magic and lights and joy. Sometimes it's cluttered with lists and responsibilities and obligations that sap the joy out. I would wish for you to have the Christmas you dream of.
For me, that would be my house is clean and decorated, my children are healthy and home, we have just the right amount of presents for everyone, and they all LIKE them. We have loads of food, (I cook it all the day before or spread out during the day) what everyone likes, and enough to share. And I would have guests...people who want to come to my house to share in our joy and love. sigh.
That would be my perfect Christmas.
And the highlight of our Christmas, is the reading of the birth of our Savior. The chapters in Mark and Luke that give us the information of how wonderful our Lord was to come to earth for us in such humble circumstances. The willingness of his young mother to go through this experience.
I share my testimony with you this day -- I know my Savior lives. I know He was born and lived and died for me and for you. I know He loves me with an eternal, all encompassing love that never changes, doesn't depend on my actions, and is long suffering for all my sins. He shows me this every day of my life.
Thank you for sharing your day with me. I wish you the best and most wonderful Christmas ever.
Hark the Herald Angels Sing....Glory to the newborn KING.
Return to the Neighborhood.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Well...it was Eight days before Christmas...
Karlene tagged me for an 8 things blog last week, and I figured I'd use it as part of a count down to Christmas, and about things art. It's supposed to be 8 things about me...so, here's my list.
Eight Things I'm Looking Forward To:
1. The Millenium (seriously)
2. Rose Parade
3. Christmas parties
4. Christmas Day -- spent with family
5. The LDS Storymakers Writers Conference in April.
6. Talking with my brother on the phone
7. My children going on missions
8. Getting published
Five books I consider classics: (okay, this wasn't part of the original, but I'm trying to be artsy here...grin. And I gave up on coming up with 8 -- I didn't have time to peruse my books)
1. The Little Princess
2. The Secret Garden
3. The Five Little Peppers and How They Grew
4. Little Women
5. Anne of Green Gables
Eight Things on My Wish List:
1. a new pare of slippers
2. A new set of paints and brushes
3. canvas! (can I get my family to read this?)
4. ink for my printer
5. socks! (does anyone else have a problem with socks twisting on their feet?)
6. Pants
7. books!
8. a date with my hubby....grin
Eight TV Shows I Like to Watch: (Okay...I don't watch TV shows...so I changed it to my favorite Christmas movies)
1. While you were sleeping
2. A Christmas Carol
3. The Grinch
4. The Muppet Christmas Carol
5. Miracle on 34th Street
6. Scrooged (well, I have to be in the mood for this one)
7. Mr. Kruger's Christmas
8. The Nutcracker
Five artist that I admire: (I changed this one too -- it was eight things that happened yesterday)
1. James Christensen (see my blog about him...excellent!)
2. Simon Dewey -- I'm so amazed by our wonderful talented brothers and sisters...
3. Greg Olsen (nothing else needs to be said)
4. Del Parson ( I don't think I've spotlighted him yet...)
5. Meg Johnson -- an inspiration to all around her.
People Who Now Have to Do This Silly Tag:
YOU! Let me know when you do it and I'll visit your blog.
Return to the Neighborhood
Monday, December 15, 2008
12 Days of Christmas
In my quest for art subjects during the month of December, I remembered something that I really enjoyed...the 12 days of Christmas. Since it officially started this week, I felt it was appropriate to include it. This song, while it's kind of silly and long, is really quite fun to illustrate!
Several years ago I decided that I wanted to draw the figures of the song. I started out huge, and just drew what struck my fancy. My version was silly -- the calling (or Cally) birds, where on cell phones, the swans were doing the back stroke, etc. My imagination was limited, however, and I never finished the project. There is only so much room for 12 drummers drumming, you know?
So then I decided to do ornaments for my brother. These, I reasoned, wouldn't have to be the multiples, just one figure representing each day. I painted them with watercolor, and pressed them into small frames and put red ribbon on them so they could be hung on the tree.
I was flattered to visit their home during the Christmas season last year to find my sister-in-law had strung them across her kitchen doorway.
I have to point out that how you are seeing them is actually larger than they are. They are perhaps 2x2", and it was a challenge for me to get them that small. I suppose I could have painted them larger and then shrunk them with a copier, but I didn't want to do that. I did, however copy the paintings and put copies in the frames -- keeping the originals, which is what these are photographs of.
There have been many versions of this song through the ages. Many different drawings, painting, and representations. While I like my miniatures, I like my larger ones better, and hope to finish them someday so that I can hang them up during Christmas time. If I had lots of money I would custom frame them all together, but that would end up being huge -- not sure I could handle that. They'll probably end up going in individual frames. Perhaps I'll hang them one each day...
Have you heard all the different stories as to how this song came to be? I was surprised to find that what I'd heard the most was actually not true. In doing some online research, I found that there were a couple of stories as to how this song came about. I also have decided this one makes the most sense. I think those that lean toward it's religious intent, are free to run with it.
I also think the idea that the song originated in France seems more likely...
Whatever the reason, whatever the history, I think it's a fun song, and I hope you've enjoyed my paintings...
Return to the Neighborhood.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
The Light's of Christmas
Perhaps my second most favorite thing about this time of the year is the lights. Have you ever thought about the history of the Christmas tree light? I never did -- until today. Sometimes a subject will fascinate me and I have to look the information up, just to know why.
Since I've been talking about all things Christmas in relation to art, I thought the lights shouldn't be left out. They bring great joy and wonder to young and old, and I love to see what people come up with every year.
What surprised me in my search was that they've been around for quite awhile -- practically since the invention of the light bulb. One version has it that they were invention by a man who worked for the telephone company and used telephone switchboard lights on a feather tree. The other version is the man who was vice-president of Edison's Electric company and how he had a lighted tree in his home in 1882. Apparently the idea didn't really catch on until they had Christmas lights in the White House in 1895.
They still weren't considered affordable by the average household until much later. Even in the early 1900's, when they were $12 a box -- it was too expensive for many.
It's amazing how things become common day and expected. No one would think of putting candles on their trees now, and pretty much everyone can afford lights on their trees.
There are also different kinds of lights...I think neon lights are an art form on their own. But what's interesting is how they continue to develop. I remember (and this will probably date me) when they first came out with icicle lights! That was a wonder to behold. Everyone had to have them -- soon all the houses had icicle lights and no one had the regular old multi-colored strings any more. sigh.
The thing is, sometimes people get carried away with the lights, and then (in my opinion) it looses it's artistic endeavors, and becomes...uh, not art? I don't want to use the wrong word -- so we'll stick with that.
Many families drive through neighborhoods to see the house decorations, the lights in the parks and the lights on Temple Square. We try to get to Temple Square every year, but we don't always make it.
For me, there's something about the glow of the lights that makes the season special. I find it interesting that people are starting to put lights up for other holidays, such as Halloween and 4th of July -- but there will always be just the one season for me; Christmas.
I let the children do the outside lights for our house, so it's not always as perfect as it could be, but they like it, and it's less stress for me. I enjoy the fact that they like to do it. It's another holiday tradition that we have.
I hope you enjoy the lights of the season.
Return to the Neighborhood.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Well...at Least it's Higher...
Monday, December 08, 2008
Art in the Snow
One of my favorite things about Christmas is snow. I realize that there are many places in the world that don't have snow this time of year -- in fact, I don't know how Australia does it in the middle of summer! I guess if it's what you're used to...but BBQing for Christmas dinner just seems wrong somehow...grin. And this comes from a born and raised Californian who didn't grow up with snow...
The first time it snowed after I moved to Utah, I was thrilled. I sat in our front room and gazed out the large windows, watching each flake fall in fascination. It was totally amazing to me, seeing each frozen flake of water and knowing that apparently none of them were the same.
Some while ago, I came across a site that showed actual photographed snowflakes taken by Wilson Bentley. He was obsessed with taking pictures of snowflakes, taking the first photographs of snowflakes in 1885. I love the quote on his site:
"Under the microscope, I found that snowflakes were miracles of beauty; and it seemed a shame that this beauty should not be seen and appreciated by others. Every crystal was a masterpiece of design and no one design was ever repeated., When a snowflake melted, that design was forever lost. Just that much beauty was gone, without leaving any record behind."
I feel like snowflakes are a gift of beauty.
I like to go outside while it's snowing and let the flakes land on my coat so that I can try and see their intricate designs.
Some of the snowflakes I've used in this blog come from SnowCrystals.com which generously allows me to share them with you as long as I mention them...so I've mentioned them! grin. They have a wonderful selection of photographs of snowflakes, and galleries to view.
As children we were always making snowflakes out of paper. I think everyone knows how to fold the paper and cut intricate designs, opening it up to hang the flakes on the windows. If you still like to make snowflakes, there's a site that allows you to do it on the computer. It's called Snowdays, and it's created by PopularFront.
While I realize not everyone likes snow or is fascinated by snow flakes, perhaps you can have some fun with them.
I think snow is Heavenly Father's way of cleaning the world for just a little while...bringing us some purity and making the world sparkle with beauty for all to see. Since today we got the first snow of the Christmas season, I hope you enjoy it! I sure have.
Return to the Neighborhood.
Friday, December 05, 2008
The Art of Christmas
One of the most common forms of art we experience at Christmas time, is the Christmas card. I find it interesting to discover that they weren't created until the 1840's. We didn't start producing our own cards in the US until the 1870's.
Since that time, it has become quite a tradition to send them to friends and family -- though things seem to have died down a little due to cost of cards, stamps and people returning the favor...grin.
Christmas cards can be amazingly elaborate and large, or cute and small or simple and cheap. Many people have gotten into making them themselves, and those are kind of cool. One of the most popular things right now are photo cards, where a family portrait is taken and then put on a Christmas card. I've gotten several of them from my sister and her family.
The photo cards are kind of fun because they show you how family members are growing and changing. Usually it's a shot of the current baby, or just the children.
We've never gone in for the family card. I guess part of it is you have to be a little bit organized to get the portraits taken in time to get them printed and sent out for Christmas. Sending them in January kind of defeats the purpose...grin.
But I love getting Christmas cards. I like to see what people will pick, whether it's pertaining to Christ, or Santa Clause. I have also been known to save them and put them in frames for Christmas time. I had several that I used to hang up every year, but they finally fell apart.
Some of the most well known scenes were those created by Currier and Ives. They have been made famous by some movies made back in the 50's, and are still some of the most thought of when one imagines Christmas scenes. Currier and Ives were a printing company that did lithographs. I had no idea that they had the colors added to their prints one color at a time. Kind of interesting to read up on them.
Especially since they've been out of business since 1907. Apparently their prints are now collectors items, and if you happen to be lucky enough to have one in your possession, you're doing good.
I also find it interesting that we tend to think of Christmas in terms of the past, rather than the present. The past seems to be recognized as more romantic.
For me, romance is typified by the Victorian era, and the art of that time. But that's something I'm going to cover next week. Have you got your cards sent yet? Neither have I.
Return to the Neighborhood.
Monday, December 01, 2008
Christmas in the Air
There was a time when I was grumpy about how early Christmas seemed to come to the stores. It seemed that as soon as Halloween was over, everyone was stuffing their shelves with Christmas items, and people were starting to play Christmas music. As the years have gone on, this has moved farther and farther up into the year, until -- as in this past year for example -- you could find things as early as August. School hadn't even started yet!
This year I discovered music stations had started playing Christmas music the first of November. I couldn't believe it. Hello...Thanksgiving hadn't even come yet! At first I lived in denial -- I didn't want to hear it, didn't want to think about it. Christmas was still weeks away, and I didn't want to get too excited about it.
Then, as the month wore on and the economic outlook of our country started to look grim, I realized we needed the earlier Christmas. In many ways (important ones) Christmas is not about the shopping, giving or receiving of presents. It's about the season and the feeling it gives us.
I think people recognize that we need it more than ever this year. As I realized this, I grew excited to hear the songs on the radio...looked forward to Thanksgiving and the days after when we start decorating our house and listening to Christmas music in our home.
Interestingly enough -- or should I say rightly enough -- Christmas is about Christ. The feelings of good will, charity and generosity, family and greater patience with others, come from the light of Christ that is in all of us. For some reason people feel more of it this time of year, and it's easier to find a smile, kind word and courteous act.
Many of us have a picture of the perfect Christmas in our head. Sometimes it involves a gift, but usually it's a memory of a family gathering or activity such as sledding down a snowy hill, having a snowball fight, gathered around the piano singing carols, sitting around the table drinking hot chocolate. Many of us picture those perfect Christmas cards of Victorian times, where the women are wrapped in furs and the men are dashing and gallant.
In future blogs for December, I'm going to talk about different types of art involved with Christmas and how it brings us closer to the season. But for now, I just wanted to expound on the season and the feelings.
The biggest thing that seemed to hit me this year, was the feeling of hope. Christmas brings us the feelings of hope that we felt as children. It's not the hope that we'll get all the material things we want, but the hope that things will be happy. Our families will be healthy, our bills will be paid, our jobs remain secure, and we will have special times together.
It has nothing to do with presents or the outward trappings of the season, though I think the decorations add greatly to the feelings. I feel is the most important thing Dr. Seuse ever said in How the Grinch Stole Christmas:
"Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before!
"Maybe Christmas," he thought, "doesn't come from a store."
"Maybe Christmas...perhaps...means a little bit more!"
I hope that in the coming weeks, the feeling of hope permeates your home. The spirit of the season -- the joy that Christ brings to our lives -- fills your family and heart with joy.
Return to the Neighborhood.
I Did It!!
Well, I did it again! One more year of doing and finishing Nano! I don't know if I've mentioned doing it here or not, I've been writing about it at my other blog, Writers Blogck, but I figured I'd do a little boasting here.
It seemed easy at first, this year, and then got progressively hard. I had to be finished by Saturday night, because I don't like to write on Sunday -- so I had to do it in 29 days instead of 30...or it would be less, because I didn't do any writing on Sunday, and I didn't write on Thanksgiving, and...grin.
Anyway...I got my goal. 50300 words. Unfortunately, the books not finished. sigh.
So that's my goal now, to hurry and get it finished so my hubby doesn't get too frustrated.
I still need a title...
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