For example, one story is how her husband became a hypochondriac when they had their first baby. Another story is the about getting a spiral perm that I certainly related to. She delivers each story with dry wit and humor, bringing the story totally to life.
It has cute little illustrations (though, Jane, did you forget I do illustrations??? I don't remember getting contacted...ahem.) that enliven the story and add to the humor. Really - you need to grab this and gift it to anyone who needs a laugh about motherhood. Which is like, well everyone female on the planet. Right?
And to make it even better, you can win a fun prize from Jane to help celebrate the release of her book. Just go to her blog at and become a follower, and then leave her a comment and tell her that you're a new follower. You could win:
1. Mother's Daze basket, soap, chocolate, lotion, decorative candles, and recipe cards
2. Box of blank cards with a smattering of Canadian chocolate
3. Chocolate
Anything better than chocolate?? Most woman wouldn't think so...and since most of you will be hinting for a copy of the book for Mother's day, then hey, there you go. Enjoy!!