Well...we went to Bear Lake last weekend for a couple of days of family fun and reunion time. It was mostly...but it was also just a lot of driving. ;) We went up Thursday night -- about an hour later than we meant to start out, and got there later so we had to put the tent up in the dark. That's always fun. NOT. Have I ever mentioned that I'm not really a camping fan?? My idea of camping is a trailer or a condo...just saying...
Anyway - spent the night laying there awake...as usual now...and then freezing as the temperature finally went down. Then we got up a little earlier than everyone else, simply because we hadn't really slept well...and went for a quick bike ride. It was a gorgeous day!
We came back and made pancakes, which turned out to be a great way to re-introduce myself to my nieces daughter. ;) She really likes pancakes... Then we spent most of the morning putting my mother-in-law's new tricycle together (and I forgot to take pictures!! It was great, lol) and then spent the majority of the afternoon helping everyone blow up their water toys with our car air pump. I got sooo fried! I can't believe it - I spent the entire day other than my quick bike ride, in THE SHADE!! But no, I've got this almost purple sun burn around my neck. That makes things interesting...sigh.
We ate dinner, sat around and talked and then I decided to try and sleep as I was soooo tired. Not happening. They talked till past 1:30...and then we had changed the spot where the tent was, which made my head kind of down...so I had to switch ends so I wouldn't be sleeping on my head all night. It was crazy!! Finally got to sleep...
We got up later than we meant to because we were so tired, and then got most everything packed up and took off to come home.
We had my nieces baptism!! So we got home and changed clothes and dashed up there only a couple of minutes late... that went really well, she is such a doll!
Then we went back home, changed clothes and ran errands that needed to be run before the Bean Dip that night. This is our annual Bean family gathering on what used to be GG Bean's bday. This year, all the uncles weren't feeling up to coming, so none of their progeny showed up. That didn't bother us, it was still fun and we had a great time playing a game of Jeopardy that my niece created related to the family. Then we went swimming at the Farmington pool, which is why it's called the Bean Dip...get it?? lol
Then we left early because we were so tired - to come home and get things ready for Sunday as we were going back to Bear Lake to spend the day with everyone. We ended up not getting to bed till after 11...sigh. But it was the best nights sleep I've had in a LONG time. ;)
Then we drove up a little later than we'd planned, but it was okay - they were still doing breakfast when we got up there, so we made ours and then we ran to church. I tell you - they know how to prepare for large congregations!! They had two sacrament tables! And 24 priesthood holders helping pass! It was the most organized thing I'd ever seen!
Then we went to meet everyone at the beach, where we were going to spend the rest of the afternoon. We ended up driving all around the lake...which isn't a bad drive. It's kind of pretty! And ended up down at
Rendezvous Beach. It was windy, but fun. We walked up the coast a little - it was pretty crowded. What really kills me is the garbage people leave behind... I mean, really?? It's like their brains take a vacation when they're on vacation and they don't think about what their doing. We figured it would make a really good Eagle Scout project to install garbage cans on the beach and clean it up once a month during the summer. I just saw online though, that they have an annual clean up day in September...so perhaps they're on it.
Anyway, as we were packing up to leave the beach a dust devil picked up and blew our umbrella and another groups umbrella and a lot of their stuff down the beach!! It was crazy. I thought 'Oh man!' and ducked down, afraid we were going to get hit with them.
We went back, made dinner, which took longer than expected, which I could have done a post about and might still do - only no photos!! sigh. why do I have a camera?? which is another thing - my sister-in-law has an awesome zoom lens that she found in KSL. I'm sooo jealous!! It was amazing! I want a zoom...sigh.
here's an example-
this is the sail boat from where we were sitting before I switched lenses
and this is after. See how much closer I get??? My lens just doesn't get any closer!!
here's a shot of them on the jet ski -
this is from before the other lens...
and after. So...this isn't the best example because it looks about the same, but I can tell you that the second one is farther out...lol
Anyway, so we hurried up and ate, finished packing and headed home. We played a scripture game on the way home with walkie-talkies, which I need to remember for next family trip. It was so much fun! and it made the ride go much faster!
Anyway - so, we survived the crazy weekend and are now trying to put the house back in order from Sherie and family moving into their own house. So- we are back down to 7!!! Which feels much nicer...lol
insanity continues...
2 weeks till work starts back up....:( but I'm glad to have a job!! Which has actually turned into full time this year, and will be quite the challenge...sigh. Life is always about change, right?? Yep.
And on an ending side note - I am SOO thankful for air conditioning!! ;)