Monday, July 09, 2007

Facing our Giants Fears

Over the weekend I was privileged to watch a movie a friend recommended called Facing the Giants. Now the premis is the same old story...underdog school over comes odds to become champions, but the story is in how they got there. And...the fact that this is a Christian based movie and takes place at a Christian Academy.

Because it is Christian based, they are able to freely talk about God in our lives. The best part is when the coach is having one of the players do a 'death crawl' to the 50 yard line. He then blindfolds him and they proceed.
The Death Crawl is where the kid has another 'lighter' kid on his back, and he does not touch his knees to the ground, so he's walking on all fours in a crouch. It's a very difficult looking activity, and I could see where they got the 'Death crawl' termination.

The coach is on the ground, following the young man, yelling encouragement and reinforcement as they went. He didn't let the young man give up, just kept going and going with him. The rest of the team razzed them at first, and then grew silent and started following them as they continued down the field. Finally, they got to the ending point, and the boy gives up...totally spent. The coach tells him to look where he's at. They take the blindfold off and he sees that he is in the end zone...he'd gone past the halfway mark, and gotten to the end. He wasn't able to be distracted by seeing where he was going. He wasn't distracted by the derision of the rest of the team. He only heard his coach and kept following him.

Back in the locker room, the coach elaborates on the experience, reinforcing the idea that without God's help, that wouldn't have been possible. That with GOD, NOTHING is impossible.

We have a song in our church, "With God, nothing is impossible, but you must reach and take his hand. With God, nothing is impossible. Those who have ears to hear, will understand..." But this was the most visible representation I'd ever seen.

This has so much effect on the rest of our lives. So many of us are afraid of what is before us. Afraid to take the first step in the right direction, the first page of a novel, the first photo of a career, the first step in any positive direction that might equal change.

It spoke to my heart, and encouraged me to continue on the path I have started. I hope anyone who reads this will search out this aspect in their lives. We are here for a reason. What is your reason? What is it you need to conquer.

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Wow... really??

so - I didn't realize it has been that long since my last post.  I think I kind of gave up on it, knowing I don't have many follower...