Thursday, July 12, 2007

The world is Mine

While yesterday my brain was not working, today it won't sleep. My hubby had to go to work at 5:30 son had a river trip that he left for at 6 am, and I am surrounded by a quiet house with everyone else sleeping. I tried to go back to sleep, (read yesterday's blog if you wonder why) but it wouldn't come. I sat outside for a moment, enjoying the quiet semi-coolness of the morning, and remembered again how much I love my back yard.

It's not a wildly manicured thing - in fact, it's a little wild - but that's how I like it. It's would hardly know we live in an arid climate, but there you have it. If I don't look past the grass, I don't worry about the weeds in the garden or the tall (rapidly turning brown) grass behind that. I gaze at the large flowing willow tree and the green foliage of the Day lilies and just breath a little easier.

In the midst of my paradise the kittens wander through the yard and a neighbors rooster announces it's morning, even though the sun hasn't really lightened the sky yet. It's enough to make me glad to be alive.


Cindy Beck, author said...

Isn't the morning a wonderful time to be outside? The world is fresh and new in the morning!

Thanks for a blog that made me remember how nice it is to be outside before the world wakes up.

Unknown said...

Being outside in the early morning is one the greatest "soul fillers" in the world today. Thanks for reminding me!

Wow... really??

so - I didn't realize it has been that long since my last post.  I think I kind of gave up on it, knowing I don't have many follower...