Friday, January 19, 2018

happy Friday!

It's Friday!  That means the next day is Saturday, and we get to do all the things we didn't do during the week...including sleeping in, of course - but it also means cleaning house, babysitting and grocery shopping.  Why do we look forward to Friday again?  lol

Bean Day - I think it depends on who you talk to.  Normally this is on the 6th of January, so I don't know why she (brownielocks) posted it on the 19th.  If you like beans in any form, here ya go. Another day was November in 2017 - but that was being promoted by a brewery... lol.  I think many kidos would say Jelly beans were the order of the day...  so anyway - you can look it up and see what you find.  I thought it might have something to do with new years... didn't they have a tradition somewhere that a cake was baked with different items in it and your luck for the coming year was predicted by the item you got?  I thought a bean was in there somewhere...  

International Fetish Day - I'll let you look this up and see what you can find.  Anything I clicked on was blocked - which makes me slightly curious, but very wary as to what they're about.  I thought it was just about people with a fetish.  Perhaps I'm naive, (yes, I am) but isn't that what a fetish is?  something that's your personality quirk - we talk about people having a fetish for a certain dish, or item.  So...  whatever it means - have fun.  :)

Popcorn Day - Everybody likes popcorn!!  It's almost as popular as ice cream.  Actually, when you think about it, I think it's more popular.  There are actually people that don't like ice cream, but will eat popcorn.  Who can resist?  It's the perfect snack.  It fits in your hand, it can be flavored sweet or savory, and it's good warm or cold.  YUM.  Go make some now and share!!  (just don't burn it in the microwave...)

Robert E. Lee Day - So this is the revered man's bday.  I'm thinking this might actually not be socially acceptable at this point in time, since there's all the hullabaloo about the southern flag and all that...  Mr. Lee (to quote the HISTORY site) was the probably the least successful military leader and the most revered in the world.  I leave that to the historians to fight out...   

Tin Can Day - on this day in 1825 the tin can was invented!  Amazing it's been around that long.  It revolutionized the way food was stored and sold.  Can you believe it?  Less damage, etc.  It has come a long way since then.  Most cans today are made with less tin and are lighter.    You didn't think you'd get history lectures today, did ya?  lol  Well...I thought it was interesting, anyway. 

And, since I won't be sending out any type of email on Sunday...just a note - it's National Hugging day!  so be sure and get all your hugs in. 😎

Since it's Friday, and I can't leave you without something to watch, lol...  Here's our favorite principal with science fair suggestions...  I noticed there were a couple of my schools having science fair judging yesterday.  This would have been good.... lol

and last, to help you have a good laugh to start the day - my children introduced me to this comedian.  He's clean in this one, and some of his other videos, but he does tend to have language - just forwarned if you go look him up.  Anyone who is a parent will totally love this:

Have a great weekend!  Hope it snows! 

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Wow... really??

so - I didn't realize it has been that long since my last post.  I think I kind of gave up on it, knowing I don't have many follower...