Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Did you see the Blood/Blue Moon?

We sure didn' was too cloudy.  Kind of a autistic son had really been hoping to see the red moon.  😊  I'm sure there will be lots of photos posted.

thought I'd share the thought for the day...
Inspire Your Heart with Art Day!!
There are discussions at my house every once in a while about the necessity of the arts in education.  (sports is a foregone conclusion, lol)  I've always been a supporter because art is my soul, but I can see where a non-creative person would think it's a waste of time.  I feel that art is purely a subjective thing to each person - what is art to one is bizarre pieces of metal to another.  I've been through my share of art galleries this past year, and let me tell you...I'm amazed at what counts as 'art'.
I'm a little bit of a traditionalist when it comes to the art form, but I try to be open minded.  I feel strongly, however, that art does inspire the heart and those who appreciate it.  Even if you don't understand what the artist is trying to portray or can't figure out what the image is supposed to represent, it still does something for you.  I think it inspires creativity in whatever form you like to create.  Be that writing, painting, building, remodeling, etc.  It enriches everyone and lightens the soul. 
There's a scene in Last Holiday with Queen Latifa where she goes to a REAL fancy hotel in some European country and the ceiling in the foyer is an amazing combination of sculpture and art.  She looks up at the ceiling and sighs in amazement - then asks the clerk if she just wants to die when she looks at it.  The clerk has never taken the time to look and appreciate it before.  She's clueless.  It doesn't do any good to put a Monet in the classroom if the student's don't see it and know what it is.  Just saying.
now that we've had the serious side... here's a lighter side of art...

And National Hot Chocolate day!!   My kind of day.  I sooo enjoyed breakfast yesterday, leftover croissants and hot chocolate!!  Have you ever tried making it from scratch in the crock pot??  It's sooo creamy, a little thicker than I usually like it, but it grew on me.  We made some around Christmas time.  I might have to make some more today...  😊    Here are two recipes you can look at.  One is really rich, and one is much simpler.  

Have a great Wednesday!

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Wow... really??

so - I didn't realize it has been that long since my last post.  I think I kind of gave up on it, knowing I don't have many follower...