I also came across an article on Carrie's site that I thought worth mentioning. I'm not big at espousing political views on this blog, I have another blog for that when I'm feeling in the mood. But I do feel this is an important thing to read, so please take a moment if you are even thinking Obama is a valid choice for president...
I entered mine and it said college (undergrad). Thanks for sharing.
I have no idea how this thing determines its rating, but I don't think it's accurate. I put my blog address in and it said it was college undergrad level. Then I put in a website that is a long list of medical terms, drugs, side effects, etc. and it said it was high school. Hmmmm. So don't feel too bad. I'm sure there are words on your blog that an elementary school child wouldn't understand, and I'm more than sure there are words on that medical site that a high school child wouldn't have a chance of understanding. It was interesting to see what it said, though.
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