Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Oh the Things You'll See...

Don't you love Dr Seuss?  Most of the schools I go into have quotes from him all over...and almost all of them have that quote, "oh the things you'll see".  Isn't that that truth.  No matter where you go, or what you do in life, you'll see amazing things.  Like this morning on the way to work, there were storm clouds moving across the tops of the mountains, so fast!  It was like watching time lapse photography.  And then when I got to work, there was another band of clouds moving toward the mountains, and meeting up with that other batch.  I kept thinking there was going to be this big clash, but it didn't happen.  dang.  ;)   But the sun was peaking through the canyon, and the clouds were red right along the edge...then farther out the clouds were a softer red where the sun was touching them.  It was the coolest thing.  I wish I'd been able to take a photo of it, but my phone wouldn't have done it justice.  ;)
So, today is a boatload of stuff to celebrate or commemorate, whichever you think it works, that's why the Seuss quote.  ;)

Mayflower Day-  For those of you whose ancestors came over on the Mayflower, this is your day!  You go celebrate that, people!  That’s a big thing.  Most of us came over later…on some type of boat, lol.  But I guess this is the day the Mayflower left England to come to America.  Can you imagine how scary a trip that must have been?

National Tattoo Story Day
I think this is for those people who wake up one morning and realize they have a strange tattoo on their arm that they don’t remember having ahead of time, lol.  Although, I know lots of people tend to get them to remind them of something.  My brother has several on his arms that he got when he was in the Air Force.  They are mostly faded to just black and gray now, which he reminds my sons every time they admire them, lol.  My son-in-law got a tattoo started when he was in prison that represented him and my daughter…sigh.  That is probably TMI…
Moving on…

National Guacamole Day!  Best day ever,
(besides chocolate) right?  We actually had guacamole last night, but if you can, make some today, there’s nothing like fresh guacamole!!  ;)  especially with chips…and salsa…and …

Play-doh DayHasbro has picked September 16th to be the first ever play-doh day.  Kind of fun.  Apparently there are lots of random info about play-doh, like four colors started it all: red, blue, yellow, and white. Now you can get PLAY-DOH in tons more colors!  We bought some last year for my granddaughters and they even had black…which she loves.  Sigh.

Stay Away From Seattle Day – go figure.  Apparently this was started 2008 in response to an influx of business and growth and development that the homebodies were NOT excited about. I’m not sure it’s continues to be celebrated, but I thought it was a silly fact.  ;)  Personally I know how they feel…Kaysville/Layton is SOOO not what it was 30 years ago…sigh.  But ya know, if you build it, they will come.  And keep coming, lol.

And last for the list…Stepfamily Day.  This is a big one, I think.  There are many combined families in my neighborhood, where couples have married that have children from previous marriages.  For the most part, they seem to work things out, and I think it’s amazing.  For those of you living in those circumstances, go home tonight and celebrate being just a family!  You’re awesome.  ;)

Well, that’s it for today.  Hope you all have an awesome day and enjoy the fall weather.  I’m just hoping it clears up by the 28th  ;)  (joke of the day – why do people get married outside?  To help the rain know when to fall…sigh.)

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Wow... really??

so - I didn't realize it has been that long since my last post.  I think I kind of gave up on it, knowing I don't have many follower...