Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Happy Wednesday...and Friday rolled into one!

Yes, I'm excited.  This is Wednesday on the calendar, but it's actually a first Friday...then tomorrow is second Friday and then there is a third or real Friday...  :)

I love long weekends and fall breaks.  Especially this year, I don't know what it is, but I'm beginning to wonder why I'm working.  What's with that???  I have an awesome job - it's flexible, I have a great boss, and coworkers, and don't have someone watching over my shoulder every day.  What's not to love??  But I'm soooo tired of going to work.  I just want to stay home and sleep and write and play with granddaughters...sigh.  Soon grandson...  :)

Oh well...until the day I decide we can afford to have me do that (which hubby says is any time...isn't he amazing???)  I have a 4 day break.  We're going to have sooo much fun.  :)

Today there are a couple of fun facts that I thought I'd share before running for the mountains and throwing fall leaves in the air:
Evaluate Your Life Day - okay - but isn't this usually what happens on January 1st?  I guess some of us like to re-evaluate where we are later on, but this is really close to the end of the year, so ya know...running out of time to meet some of those goals.  I thought it reminded me of this scene in Star Wars...

Information Overload Day - I think most of us will agree that this has happened and it's time to de-stress!! Especially moms whose kids are going bonkers ready for Halloween!  Un-plug from all that is electric and go sit in front of a fireplace with a cup of hot cocoa and a nice book!!  Now that's the way to combat the blues!  Of course, it helps if the kids are locked downstairs with the tv and/or game console so they can be as entertained as they want...this is about your stress level, right??  lol

National Seafood Bisque Day

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National Seafood Bisque Day

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National Seafood Bisque Day

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and last....National seafood bisque day!  I love bisque.  What is it about that type of soup??  I would imagine it has something to do with the cream content, lol.  But my favorite is mushroom bisque...sigh.  Of course, I can't let this day go by without a clip from Studio C...

It was fun to see how many people dressed as the Bisque family for the opening season show at the theater.  Where do you get those glasses???  :)

Anyway - there you have it.  Have a great day!

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Wow... really??

so - I didn't realize it has been that long since my last post.  I think I kind of gave up on it, knowing I don't have many follower...