Monday, January 09, 2017's kind of a blahh wintery day.  I don't like rain after feels a little depressing to me.  I'm trying to be positive though, so I like it fine.    I'm pretending it's April spring showers...  it's warm enough.
It's supposed to freeze though, so could be ugly.  
but...for now we have a couple of things to take our minds of the gray.

Balloon Ascension Day - did you know today was the first time someone traveled in a hot air balloon?  I had no idea.  Here's the full story....  I think hot air balloons are cool.  We went to the festival in Eden, and there were some great balloons.  

National Static Electricity Day - of course there's a day for this!  you could walk around work or the house with a balloon and rub everyone's hair and see who pops it first, lol.  Of course, you might get in trouble at work if you did it...
computers and static don't always do well together, lol.

Law Enforcement Appreciation Day - I think most of us appreciate law enforcement.  It amazes me just how dangerous their job is.  I don't know that I could be married to a policeman...there would always be a worry in the back of my mind.

National Cassoulet Day - okay, if you don't know what Cassoulet is, join the party.  It's not terribly well known among the non "gourmet" eater.  I didn't know what it was until last year...a type of slow cooked casserole.  I guess it's originated in France...  So if you cook a casserole in your crock pot you could say you were cooking a Cassoulet!

National Apricot Day - personally I don't like apricots.  I've been known to eat them...large ones fresh off the tree -- but otherwise, I can't stand them.  I have used them in cooking with pork...that's a good way.  And I have made jam with pineapple and cinnamon.  My hubby likes them...but I'm afraid most of what falls from our two trees gets eaten by the birds.  Do you like them?  

National Clean Off Your Desk Day - now if you're like work desk is just about spotless.  My desk at home is another story.  ugh.  I've cleaned it off and five minutes later something gets dumped on it.  It doesn't help that we now have our rather larger than previous printer on my desk by my elbow, and I feel scrinched.  (Yes, scrinched is a word!!)  I have one more little corner to attack and then I can say I've cleaned it.  sigh.  They say a clean desk is the sign of a sick mind.  So which one are you?

National Static Electricity Day - of course there's a day for this!  you could walk around work or the house with a balloon and rub everyone's hair and see who pops it first, lol.  Of course, you might get in trouble at work if you did it...
computers and static don't always do well together, lol.

Well, hopefully you have a warm place to curl up and gain some sanity...  I'm wondering if we're going to go visit Grandma tonight or's getting a little sleety...

Have a good one!!

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Wow... really??

so - I didn't realize it has been that long since my last post.  I think I kind of gave up on it, knowing I don't have many follower...