Monday, August 21, 2017

Happy Monday and day of Eclipse!

Happy day of Eclipse!  Hope you all were able to get glasses who wanted them...  It was kind of cool to see - and it was nice and cool to feel too!   Heard a joke yesterday...  how does the sun cut it's hair?  Eclipse

So - haven't done this in a while, my co-workers reminded me that I'd been slacking over the summer - so here goes.  :)

Cupcake Day - everyone needs a cupcake, I guess.  I like them okay, unless they have more frosting than cupcake...kind of hard to get the mouth around it, lol.  :)

National Spumoni Day - ever heard of spumoni?  It's kind of different, but hey, almost anything cool in the middle of summer is good, right?

National Pecan Torte day - what??  I didn't even know they made something like that.  I think I'd like that better than Pecan pie...  😉  I love Pecan pie, but it's tooo sweet. 

And just for grins, I loved Sandra Boynton's eclipse drawning... 

Have a great one!

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Wow... really??

so - I didn't realize it has been that long since my last post.  I think I kind of gave up on it, knowing I don't have many follower...