Friday, October 06, 2017

It's Friday!

and I've been looking forward to and dreading this one for a while now.  Why?  Because tomorrow I'll be doing my first real art show at a arts and music festival in Huntsville.  I feel sooo much more pressure for this, and I'm debating there will even be anyone come, Huntsville is so small.  I'm hoping people come for the leaves and the weather and are interested in art... but I guess we'll see.  It's the first time they've done this, and you never know what the outcome is going to be.  I've been trying to finish the painting my friend commissioned from me...I don't know really why it's taking me so long.  I've been working on the background forever.  And now I've been feeling that I need to do a whole different thing.  sigh.  My hubby would say that's typical.  He tells everyone that I do three copies of every painting.  Not EVERY painting... lol.

So...onto some lighter thoughts.

American Libraries Day - If you are a reading person, which would be me, lol.  Go visit your local library and enjoy!  Have you seen some of the great libraries of the world?  Here's a photo of one...  Not even sure where it's at, but it's cool.

 Mad Hatter Day - I guess it's 'hat's off' to the hatter, huh?  Good night to stay home and watch Alice in Wonderland... if you like it, lol  I like the old animated one best.

National Noodle Day - love noodles!!  It's a darn good thing I'm not gluten free, because I'd have a hard time adjusting to no bread and no noodles... it would be painful.  What is your favorite kind of noodle?  I like the little twisty elbow noodles...or angel hair... yum!   I was going to paste a video about the noodle making, but they're all long and I didn't want to waste time, so if you're curious, go look them up, it's amazing.

World Smile Day - And this one!  Everyone needs to smile!  One of my schools has a sunshine committee that started putting little thoughts up on the walls in the faculty area that are sure to make you smile.  One they put in the bathroom says 'put a pencil between your teeth and don't let your lips touch it.  How does that feel?'   it makes you smile!!  I thought that was awesome.
So...  Have a great day and weekend and keep smiling!

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Wow... really??

so - I didn't realize it has been that long since my last post.  I think I kind of gave up on it, knowing I don't have many follower...