Friday, November 02, 2018

Friday dance

I'm doing the Friday Dance! 
Are you?

It's been such a crazy week! I'm totally looking forward to taking care of the everyday mundane things that haven't been done for mop my kitchen floor (UGH) and do laundry, fold clothes, go grocery shopping...  I don't know, maybe I don't want to have the weekend, lol.
So...since yesterday was kind a long list of stuff - today is great!  There are only a couple, and I have to share because they're fun.

Cookie Monster Birthday -  I might have already shared this clip, but it's so fun, I'm sure you'll like to see it again.  Who doesn't love cookie monster??  I mean, who doesn't love cookies???  And Cookie Monster is the man! er...Monster.  :)

National Deviled Eggs Day - I know there are some that don't like deviled eggs, but I'm not one of them.  I have one son that detests them...won't even eat them in potato salad or touch egg salad and one that loves them - would eat a whole plate if you let him. How did we get such a diverse family???  Anyway - I love deviled eggs, and heard of doing them with avocado.  I'm going to definitely try those today.  How about you?  What's your favorite Deviled egg recipe?

Fountain Pen Day - So, this day was started in 2012 to promote handwriting skills.  Kind of sat that we have to promote things because ability is not being taught...pursued or practiced.  I love calligraphy, and would use a fountain pen all the time if I didn't have to deal with leaks, running out, or waiting for something to dry...  sigh.  Otherwise, I think they're awesome!

And apparently this was school counselor appreciation least down south - and our favorite youtube principal was at it again - thought you'd enjoy this.  :)

Well, Hope you have a great weekend!

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Wow... really??

so - I didn't realize it has been that long since my last post.  I think I kind of gave up on it, knowing I don't have many follower...