Already! I can't believe it. And you know what that means... hot cider, wind, gorgeous leaves to rake up and thanksgiving is right around the corner. That also means... Christmas is only 55 days away...oh goodness!!
ALSO... today is November 1st, which means it's NANOWRIMO. For those of you who are new to my blog or this acronym, that means National Novel Writing Month. I highly encourage you to go check it out if you have ever wanted to write, have written, or think you might want to be an author. Or know someone who writes... any of the above. :)
I'm soooo not ready for the holidays this year. I had a birthday party for my youngest two grandchildren yesterday and I didn't even have a birthday banner up. They were lucky to paint little pumpkins and then go jump in the leaves outside while we waited (1 1/2 hours!) for the pizza that I'd ordered. UGH. I remember the day when I would have made a specialty cake and made the pizza at home... sigh. That was when I wasn't working outside the home, of course...but still. At least they got their faces painted, lol. The cake and ice cream is Sunday, so I have a little time to see if the creative juices will flow...
And I hope no one is suffering from too much of a sugar hangover - we never get any trick or treaters at our house, we live on too long of a road with large spaces in between houses. My sons still went and bought two bags of candy!! ARGH They'll be eating it for the next month...which I guess was the point, I don't know. Adult children... fortunately it's all milk chocolate and I'm not tempted anymore. (Snoopy is a trademark of shutz...)
So...anyway, onto the day. There was a whole boat load of stuff they had for today, and most of them looked fun, so I thought we'd just go down the list:
Dia de Los Muertos - our hispanic friends halloween, sort of - where they honor the dead (in simple terms). It starts on our Halloween and ends tomorrow. And they celebrate MUCH differently than we do. This is a real thing for them, not just a hodgepodge of former religious holidays and commercialism for candy. Was that snarky?? Hm...
I do have fun painting the Sugar Skulls though.
Extra Mile Day - today is a day to try stretching your comfort zone. To try and pay it forward, so to speak. Be something extra for someone. Need to do the dishes? Wipe off the counters too. Need to fold laundry? Put it away, it will shock whoever else lives with you. :) the opportunity is there...the list is endless. What can you do to go the extra mile?
Give Up Your Shoulds Day - this is the day to stop saying I should have... and start doing. Life is full of shoulds. I should have been a better student - I should have been a better mom/wife/sister/yada yada...the list could be endless. What can you do about it now?? Not a thing. The only thing you can do is change today. Instead of looking back at the end of the day and saying, dang! I should have...think about what you can do to make it; well, I got that accomplished...I got the dishes sort of done and played with the baby...I got those 2000 words done for nano...etc. What can you do to turn today around?
National Authors' Day - This is to honor all the authors and writers out there who have given us hours and hours of amazing imaginative friends and lands. I've loved reading since I was a child, and while it got a little obsessive when I was a teenager (I got an award for reading over 300 books in a year as a senior...sigh.) It's still something I love to do. I've found though as a working grandma, I'm quite a bit pickier about what I read. I want it to be worth my time, lol, since I don't get much down time to read. Reminds me of when I was a young mother... you are welcome to celebrate by reading one of my efforts!! (shameless plug, I know) The series is available on Amazon or Barnes and Noble.
National Brush Day - much to my surprise, this is not about hair brushes...this is about brushing your teeth! This day follows Halloween on purpose, to remind kids to brush and keep their teeth healthy. go figure, lol. I know lots of dentists who pay kids to bring in candy so they don't eat it...
National Calzone Day - I don't know why today is picked as national calzone day, but it is, and there's no complaints from me...I love calzones. Have you ever heard of the movie Mobsers and Mormons? It's got a scene where the 'mobster' teaches a Utah pizzeria how to make Panzerotti...which is apparently NOT the same as a calzone... for those of you who had no idea, panzerotti is fried, calzone are baked - that's your bit of trivia for the day.
National Deep Fried Clams Day - I love deep fried clams!! Of course, I love clam chowder...but fried clams are just the best. One thing I love when we go to the coast and can get them. I think the only place you can get them in Utah is Red Lobster...?
National Family Caregiver Day - There are hundreds of the silent caregiver that has a loved one living with them that needs 24 hour care. I'm sure one of you knows this first hand. These are the amazing ones that deserve much love and appreciation. It's a tough job. My mother-in-law cared for two husbands in her home for many years before they passed. It was a long haul...
National Family
Literacy Day - Family literacy is an important thing. Personal literacy is usually the focus in school, but it's important for a family to be literate as well. Everyone in a family needs to have ability and skill... does your family read together? We have a couple of traditions around Christmas that we read out loud together, but the only other time I usually read out loud is when I'm reading to my grandchildren.
National Go Cook For Your Pets Day - now this always makes me confused. On one hand, they say that your pet should not have raw food, but hey - cats eat mice all the time. Isn't that raw food? And Dogs love bones...especially when they have meat left on them...raw or cooked. So - In the 'old' days, they didn't have dog food, did they? they got scraps for food. That's how you fed them. So hey, back to the old days - time to feed your animals. :)
National Men Make Dinner Day - (Must Cook. No BBQ Allowed! ) This is always a big one...and my son is on dinner for tonight, so it's all good for me. :) He's an adult, so he's a man, and this will be good. However...if I can talk him into something other than quick mac and cheese we'll be
National Bison Day - depending on who you get your information from, this is either today or Saturday. The Nibble said today, so I'm going with that. :) It's also a lesson in what is Bison and what is Buffalo. (That's not a buffalo!) I spent the day at Antelope Island on Saturday, and it was fun to watch the round up of the Bison. (which I didn't realize the difference until this past year myself, so I'm proud to say Bison as much as possible, lol) We also love to watch them in Yellowstone, where they rule the roost. Have you ever eaten Bison? It's pretty good meat, and much leaner than beef. Little more pricey...but if money's not your worry, then there ya go.
Prime Meridian Day - so, 134 years ago today, the prime meridian was decided in DC. Interesting that they picked Greenwich, England - but there ya go. My hubby says that it's all arbitrary anyway - time is a measure of the immeasurable. But I always wondered when and why - so it's good to know. This photo is of the Greenwich observatory which has the prime meridian running to it...
Well... I think that's quite enough for one day, don't you?? I feel like it's a little bit of information overload... So hopefully you found something fun and worth your time... And hopefully you'll have a great day. You deserve it!!
I'm a grandma, wife, mother, crazy writer, spaz artist and face painter who is a disciple of Christ, loves to cook and read and wishes there were more hours in the day...oh and dark chocolate lover!
Thursday, November 01, 2018
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Wow... really??
so - I didn't realize it has been that long since my last post. I think I kind of gave up on it, knowing I don't have many follower...
In having a conversation with a friend back east the other day, she made a statement about the working poor. Ir reminded me of the early da...
so - I didn't realize it has been that long since my last post. I think I kind of gave up on it, knowing I don't have many follower...
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