Wednesday, August 12, 2020

I Spoke Too Soon.... Ugh

 So - we got back from Oregon, and hit 100 temps.  More than one reason to want to turn around, lol.  But - then the virus got us.  First my hubby came down with what we figured were allergies real bad- and I was close behind.  By the end of the month, his sinuses were starting to bother him, and he'd developed a cough.  I was right behind him, though my sinuses have not bothered me.  By last Thursday, he was totally miserable, and called the dr to see if he'd give him antibiotics.  He insisted on my hubby getting Covid tested, so we did that and then found out that he'd called in a prescription anyway - there is a reason we like this doctor. lol.  That was almost a week ago.  He has since started feeling much better, though his chest is still tight and he gets a little light headed... He also got his sense of smell back. He's gone back to work and is waiting on results of test.

Our son who had gone on the trip with us came home the same day as my hubby had test and was ordered to get tested because he had symptoms.  He'd been home since, also waiting.  His symptoms are not half as bad as ours have been, so that's something.  Perhaps that's the whole age thing.

I have been SOOOO sick...I've had a temperature pretty much the entire last week.  Yesterday was the first day that I didn't have one.   My chest is still constricted, it's hard to breath, and I cough every time I move too quickly.  I have had a hard time eating anything...feel so nauseous... but that is getting better.  it's frustrating to be hungry and feel like your stomach doesn't want anything at the same time.  sigh.  But at least I feel more human.  I've been very glad that I haven't gone back to work yet - that's next week.  My co-workers are a little nervous, I think, but I've got masks and I'll take disinfecting stuff with me.  I should have gotten tested the same day he did, but procrastinated...  I got my test on Monday, so I won't likely know till Friday.  sigh.

So....  we're alive...we're getting better...and we're both getting read for school to start.  Things are totally crazy, don't you agree??

At least our daughter has escaped most of it... (the one that went with us)  she hasn't come down with anything yet, and our youngest son has been paranoid and walked around in his full face mask for a bit.  We told him it was a little late for that...  He's been having slight cold symptoms, so he's probably catching some of it.  Poor kid...the younger ones seem to not be as sick, so no big deal.

I had all these things I wanted to do before going back to work.  I managed to get a couple of them done...and then came down sick where I could hardly move.  I am trying to see if I can get something done these last couple days...

Hope you have a great August!  I am really ready for 2020 to be over, lol.

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Wow... really??

so - I didn't realize it has been that long since my last post.  I think I kind of gave up on it, knowing I don't have many follower...