Friday, December 03, 2021

Happy Friday! only 22 days left...


Hi everyone!  It's Friday, and only 22 more days till Christmas... can you believe it???
I can't.  November flew by - at least for me.  So now we have the month of parties, cookies, cooking, work parties, presents, wrapping, Christmas music, traditions...
I think I'm tired already.  🙂
What is your favorite thing about this month?  I would have to say it's time spent with family and Christmas movies. I LOVE Christmas movies.  I would probably like the Hallmark ones, but we never watch the stuff on TV and don't have cable, so there ya go, lol.
We also make candy as a family, and that's one of our favorite traditions.
I'd love to hear what your favorites are.  😉

Since right now it's the middle (ish) of Hanukkah, I'll share one of my favorite little music videos...  The Maccabeats are awesome!
So - need a different reason to be happy today?  Here are some fun things going on... 
Bartender Appreciation Day - if you like bars and chatting with the bartenders, this is one you could totally do.  They'd probably be amazed if you tipped them a little extra.  😉

Be A Blessing Day:  all of us should be a blessing in other peoples lives.  If you've heard of #lightTheworld, there's a list of ways to share the love.  If you share a smile, you're blessing someone's day.  ☺️

Faux Fur Friday - Hey!  Personally I love the feel of fur (or faux fur...).  

and just because I have to mention something foodwise, it's
National Apple Pie Day!  I would have thought this would be in October or November, but who am I to say. 🤷‍♀️ Apple pie is good whenever, so hope you enjoy!  Do you like it with ice cream or whipped cream...or cheese?  I never quite got that one...

Well, have a great weekend!  It's even supposed to be relatively nice weather, so enjoy while you can.  🙂
Here's some holiday music to set the mood...

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Wow... really??

so - I didn't realize it has been that long since my last post.  I think I kind of gave up on it, knowing I don't have many follower...