Friday, April 15, 2022

I'm back! Spring break was sooo short...

 Did you miss me?  I can't believe how longs it's been.  And sooo much has happened.  We went on a cruise to the Caribbean!  Finally!  Remember how we were going to go to Japan?  And then Covid hit.  So...we finally went as a family to the Caribbean, and it was awesome!!  The kids loved it and have agreed that cruising is the best way to vacay ever!!  lol

Just wanted to get in the few things worth mentioning...

Good Friday - my son gets this off at his work today...we're all jealous, lol.  But - it's that weekend where all sorts of things have collided this year, so enjoy!

Income Tax Day - except this year, it's Monday!  If you weren't aware, then hey, you have time!  🙂
Jackie Robinson Day - if you haven't watched the movie 42, you really should.  It's awesome, both in the story and the way it's told.  😉  Today's the day the man started his baseball career in the majors.

Passover - For everyone who's Jewish or likes to be in the know, today starts the Passover, and if you like lamb, nows a good time to eat it.  I just wish I knew someone local that sold it!!  All I can find at Sams Club is New Zealand lamb...  🙁

Take a Wild Guess Day - have a random question?  Need something random to bug someone with?  Well, today's the day!  Take a wild guess and see what happens.  🙂

That Sucks Day - according to this day's founder, today is usually the pits when it happens in history.  I'm not sure that's true, but whatever.  It's dedicated to all things that suck.  🤷‍♀️  I figured there were a few teachers that would like to celebrate... 

World Art Day - (DaVinci's Birthday)  I'ts DaVinci's bday!!  Awesome.  Be a good day to go to a museum or spend some time reviewing his art...  He was really amazing.

World Marbles Day- hey, it's a great day to play some marbles.  This would be a good time to show grandkids what marbles are all about.  Pull out that bag and show them what steelies are.  🙂 a movie with marbles.  lol

And's National Spiral Ham Day - I've always wondered why ham was the meat served for Easter when we all know Jesus would never have eaten the meat.  Well...apparently it comes down to cost and availability.  Most people didn't have sheep, and animals were slautered early in the fall, so it was ready in spring when lambs weren't ham.  Oh's good, especially spiral!!  So...enjoy a great ham sandwich or all the fixings.

Have a great weekend and a wonderful Easter!!


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Wow... really??

so - I didn't realize it has been that long since my last post.  I think I kind of gave up on it, knowing I don't have many follower...