Monday, April 13, 2020

What happened to March??? Happy late Easter!

I haven't written a blog for a week or so, it's just been so crazy, working from home... So - here I am trying again.  🙂  It's almost the middle of April, which is crazy.  We've been working at home (for the most part) for a month now.  Does that seem like a lifetime ago?  It took a good week to wrap my brain around the whole working at home bit.  Has it been a challenge for you?  I think it depends on who had children or grandchildren staying in the house - interruptions are hourly if not more, lol.  I'm just thankful all my children are grown and working (actually working!) and my grandkids are removable.  My daughter is on indefinite leave from her job, and so since she's finishing up her house to move back in, they go spend the day up there.  Mornings are the craziest time, as we're working (hubby and I) and she's getting them rounded up and trying to keep them quiet (well...ya know).  

I admit that rolling out of bed at 7:45 and logging into my computer at 8 isn't bad...  but I do find it makes a difference to be dressed for the day as opposed to being in jammies.  

Hope you all had a wonderful Easter weekend.  The weather was so nice on Saturday - I even got one of my flower beds sort of cleaned out.  It was the smaller of them, lol.  Now I get to work on the pavers.  What has been your project while at home?  There are so many to choose from...

We did a driveby deserting at my mother-in-law's house yesterday.  We usually invite her over for Easter dinner, but since she's turning 89 this year, she's pretty cautious about anyone coming over and within 6 feet.  We dropped it on the porch and then she came out and chatted for a minute.  She was cold, there was a chilly breeze going, and so we told her to go back inside-but it was hard, she was so sad, she is all by herself, and doesn't have a chance to chat as much.  

I've heard that alot.  People say they are lonely. Don't know what that' like... We live in a houseful of people, so that's not an issue we face...sometimes we wish we did, lol.  My daughter in Japan says she's bored, though she started training yesterday to go back to the classroom, which is good.

Well, there are always my grandkids favorites, funny cat videos...or having a video chat with someone... or music always makes it good for me.  I saw one the other day that was highlighted on a newsite, and it's awesome - 

Scrabble DayThis is a good game to be playing during a confinement time. Especially with kids, works on the spelling skills, and well as getting the brain to work.  Have you ever played speed scrabble?  It's one my mother-in-law taught us.  It's more like a freeform crossword puzzle, and you have however many people playing with their own set of letters.  You have to use all 7 letters, then whoever gets them used first yells go, and you grab 5 more letters, and so one until the letters are all gone.  Whoever uses up all their letters in real words with correct spelling is the winner!  It's fun...
reminds me of another movie - Wedding Planner.  Remember how they were big on Scrabble?? 

and last... it's 
National Peach Cobbler Day - one of America's favorite deserts, this is an easy one to toss together.  If you don't have fresh peaches (which, actually, don't work as well in this, isn't that strange? ) canned ones are awesome!  So toss some together and have a nice hot tasty desert for tonight.  It's just another item, ya know?  For comfort food, lol.

Hope you have an awesome day!! 

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Wow... really??

so - I didn't realize it has been that long since my last post.  I think I kind of gave up on it, knowing I don't have many follower...