Tuesday, March 06, 2018

I'm alive!! sort of...

Having never had pneumonia before, I haven't known how long it takes to get over this.  I'm back at work, but I feel it in my lungs...  I've had to go to several locations today, and I'm feeling it.  I might end up going to bed when I get home... sigh.  But on the other hand, it feels good to be out of the house!!  My hubby was teasing me that I had cabin fever.
Tell ya, February was a LONG month...  
There isn't much to celebrate, but hey, it's sun shinny and we had lots of snow over the weekend.  Life is good!!

Oreo Cookie Day - I'm not sure why they picked this date, but this is the day to get free candy bar from the company if you happen to be somewhere that they are handing them out...  Oreos are only good in milk, as far as I'm concerned.  I loved it when they had the fudge dipped ones.  My daughter found the small ones that are dipped, but they don't taste the same.  Possibly because it's milk chocolate...  😊
anyway - buy a pack and promote commercialism at it's finest... sugar and lard!  lol

Unique Names Day - and on behalf of one who has a unique name...all of you have unique names!!  they are all particular to you.  Just because you might be one of 50,000 Jim's, or Bill's, etc., doesn't mean it's not unique.  However...  we discovered that my hubby's name isn't as unique as we thought.  there's someone within five miles of us who has the same first and last name.  So...  goes to say.  I do have to say that mine is a bit on the unique side... though when you google it, I discovered there is a Navajo Indian with my name that is an artist and makes jewelry.  that's pretty cool!  Almost makes me wish I was Navajo...  😊

It's also National Frozen Food Day -  I don't know why that would be a celebratory thing, but we do love our frozen foods, and it sure makes it easier to keep stuff.  So... have a frozen pizza, some ice cream and oreos...  life is good, right?

Well...  Have an excellent day and great first week of March!!

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Wow... really??

so - I didn't realize it has been that long since my last post.  I think I kind of gave up on it, knowing I don't have many follower...