Wednesday, March 18, 2020

I'm Okay...

But a little rattled.  Nothing like an earthquake to unsettle things...  as if things weren't unsettled enough, right??  Hopefully we're all good, and things can settle down to...  well, wishful thinking - 'normal'.    Nothing is normal right now, but hopefully we're getting the hang of it and settling in for a little self reflection.  I was feeling bad because our trip to Japan would have started this Friday, and then one of my friends just had her trip cancelled because the earthquake shut down the airport.  Dang.  It's just the pits all over....  although, we have since discovered that it was a temporary shutdown, and she might be able to go after all!!  I'm hoping someone is able to fly...

But there are lots of bright spots.  It's time to look for the good in try and be the good - don't you think?  To help those around us feel more a part of humanity when we're being told to social distance ourselves.  thankfully we can still call, text or email friends and neighbors -- make sure they're okay.  We have skype, facetime, all those things that help us see people and interact with them.  I've been Marco Poloing my kids, letting them know we're okay.  It's a crazy time.  This is the time to uplift and comfort each other... 
So - in an effort to do that, I'm continuing with the silly facts of the day...  Maybe it will bring a smile.  :)

Forgive Mom and Dad Day -  This is always good.  Seems like there's always something you were mad at your parents about when you were a teenager, right?  I know a couple of our kids were not happy with our rules, or what we insisted they did while living under our roof.  Fortunately, some of them have forgiven us, and understand the WHY of what we were doing.  I think some of them are still working on it...  So, anyway - anything you want to forgive your parents for?  I guess my biggest thing (if I haven't already done it, I'm not is to forgive my parents for not being here.  Not being there when I was growing up.  But it wasn't like they had a choice...  that's just the way life is.  We adult up and move on, right? 

Goddess of Fertility Day- This always makes me think of the movie Yours Mine and Ours... they are on their first date, and realize that they have 18 children between them.  He wants to buy her something to remind her of the evening, and they admire a little statue in a store front in Chinatown.  The owner waves them in, and tells them they have good taste.  Then informs them the status is the goddess of fertility...  they leave quickly. 

National Sloppy Joe Day -  yeah for sloppy joes!!  My hubby introduced me to the best recipe!  we now call it our Canadian/Portland missionary sloppy joes, lol.  We make it with chicken gumbo soup instead of the manwitch stuff.  If you're interested in the recipe, look it up on Sparkpeople.  :)  We add peppers, mushrooms, onion...yum!!

National Oatmeal Cookie Day -  which is always a good excuse to bake cookies!!  I figured it was a good day to bake cookies - nothing calms the nerves like chocolate chips and oatmeal, right?  I know most people think oatmeal has raisins....and they're okay - but I think chocolate makes everything better.

So...  need to end with something to get you moving, or at least make you laugh...
our favorite principal...

and some music...

Have a great day!

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Wow... really??

so - I didn't realize it has been that long since my last post.  I think I kind of gave up on it, knowing I don't have many follower...