Friday, November 06, 2020

Happy Friday!!

 At Last!!  Been waiting for this day all week...  sigh.  

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

We needed that, lol.

This wonderful month of November, we are all struggling with the continuing/ongoing issues related to the pandemic.  Did you ever think you would live during something like this?  I didn't, not really.  It's been crazy, and unfortunately, we know it's not over.  I want to recommend that we all take a moment to close our eyes, ponder on the many blessings that we have been given, and appreciate the lives we live.  We really are blessed with where we live, what we have and the opportunities in front of us.  Yes, things are difficult, and some have it really hard--family who are sick, or have passed, etc.  But there is always something at the center of the cloud...the end of the rainbow, and the horizon ahead.  Some may have to dig a little deeper, but it's there.

I hope today you find some of that joy in life.  Discover the gratitude and thankfulness for who you are and what you've been given.  Each of you are amazing, precious and contribute much to society.  I know I'm thankful to know each of you.  💕

So - now to lighten things just a little...not much to celebrate today (did everyone celebrate national doughnut day yesterday??  My son went to get some at Bowman's and they were all gone, lol.  No big surprise there...he grabbed doughnut holes, I guess he figured that counted.  lol) but there are some fun things.

first is Fountain Pen Day - did you know there was such a day?  Do you know what a fountain pen is??  Personally, if I didn't find them to be messy, I'd be using one all the time.  I figure I sort of do, my calligraphy pens are very similar to fountain pens.  It's ink, and not a ball point...  :)  I had no idea, however that there was such a following, or enthusiasts.  If you check out the sponsors page on the link you'll see that there are tons of different places to buy them.  I think it's pretty awesome, in this day of electronics, that some people are still embracing the pen...  which is the mightiest weapon of all, right?  of course if you can afford one of these puppies, then I guess you could afford the right attire to put it in, lol.  😲😎

Love Your Lawyer Day - since my sister is my lawyer, this is pretty easy.  She's awesome. 💓 I know lawyers get a bad rap - unfortunately, many of them deserve it.  There are those out there who are honest, and are just trying to help those in need.  I remember that a judge was telling my brother that whenever he had our dad in the courtroom, he knew he could trust what he said.  He didn't have to have proof on the items, he could trust my dad to be honest.  Apparently he always made every other lawyer prove things, but not dad.  He was known for his integrity and honesty.  Another story I heard was a woman was getting divorced, and dad was her lawyer.  When court was over, they went outside and sat for a while, and dad talked to her about the future.  How that this wasn't the end of everything, that she could still have a life and learn and grow.  This woman was now a judge and my granddaughter had gone before her with a ticket.  When she found out that the granddaughter was related to my dad, she forgave the ticket and said she'd never forgotten his kindness in taking that time with her.  It always brings tears to my eyes....

 National Nachos Day - last but not least of this food day.  Love those nachos!!  Do you like the fake drippy cheese or do you like the real stuff melted on top?  My hubby hates fake cheese, so we always do the melted on top with salsa and sour cream... guac if I have avocados.  Yumm...  We've even done cookie sheets of it sometimes, but it works better if we just do our own plates in the microwave.  I don't mind the fake cheese for nachos though...  Once in a while I get them at the movie or something.  Homemade is always best.

Couldn't decide which video to end with...  there's this one - 

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I think it's fun - we love Tim Allen.  or this one...  one of my favorite songs ever:

 <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Hope you have an awesome weekend!  enjoy the snow...I'm so excited!!!  lol

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Wow... really??

so - I didn't realize it has been that long since my last post.  I think I kind of gave up on it, knowing I don't have many follower...