Monday, November 30, 2020

Happy Last Day of November....

AKA - Monday...

Hope you all had an awesome Thanksgiving!  We actually got most of our decorations up...redid the outside lights (and my hubby wants them done again, our adult boys are still apprentices, lol) and had a virtual game of Mormon Bridge that didn't last very long, lol.  It's kind of hard to teach old dogs new technology...  sigh.  But it has promise.  I was trying to talk them into playing Tenzi, since we'd all been given a set of dice a couple years ago-- but no one seemed to go for that.  We didn't even think about Black Friday- which is a real relaxing thing! That's one aspect of having adult children...we probably should have because they want bigger and more expensive things...but we've also informed them that we aren't going to buy super expensive stuff.  😋  I remember when my kids were happy with the small stuff...

Anyway - there are a couple of things that I thought it would be fun to remember and celebrate today, so here we go.

Cider Monday - no, you haven't misread this.  Cider Monday is about supporting local businesses.  As a small business owner myself, I see the wisdom in this idea, despite the fact that I'm just as guilty of supporting Amazon, lol.  Our local businesses need us to shop local and support them so that they stay in business.  I think this year of Covid has shown us some of the results of having to close...  There's also a group of venders that usually do booths at boutiques that haven't been able to do many this year--they are doing an online boutique on Facebook.  You might want to look into them as well...    personally, I think it should be a day to drink cider...  I mean, nothing like a nice cup of warm spiced cider and a crackling fire, right? 

National Mousse Day -  If you like mousse, celebrate!! 

This is your excuse.  Personally, I had never really tasted mouse till my hubby came home from Canada and told me I'd love it.  It is like a richer pudding...  though a true chef would probably shoot me for saying that, lol.  Chocolate or another flavor??  personally....what other flavor would there be??  🙂

National Mason Jar Day
- I think it's funny these guys wanted their own national holiday, but you know--whatever makes you happy!  I think that mason jars are pretty awesome, and the invention was amazing.  Anyone who has done any kind of home canning knows about these puppies.  Unfortunately, there are the ones that break and crack and all that--everything that can happen with glass.  But, all in all, great stuff.  How many jars do you own??  🙂

National Personal Space Day - I can't seem to find when this started, it's not a Covid inspiration, though it certainly works along with it.  I thought it was all about mental space when I first saw it, but then I got to reading about it and realized it's about healthcare and giving people that social distance.  Personally, I miss the hugs and physical closeness, so I'm hoping this eases up soon.  For those who have health challenges that make social distance a fact of life, I feel for you and hope you feel the love...

Stay Home Because You're Well Day - Does this go along with taking a mental health day??  I think most of us need one of these.  While we just had a wonderful long weekend that was hopefully restful and relaxing, there was still the thought of having to come back to work today, lol.  Were you ready and excited or were you consoling yourself with counting the days till Christmas break?  I think there were many who fell into that latter category.  Sometimes we need one more day...  well, teachers have a harder time of doing that, subs aren't always available, and working out a sub plan is almost more work than it's worth (from what I understand) but perhaps we can all take a 15 min break and put on some ocean sounds and take a small vacation of the mind...
or, if you like to watch fish, there's the webcam from the live reef lagoon in California...
though... sometimes it's nice and relaxing to just sit in front of a fire...

Hope you have a wonderful day!!  🙂


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Wow... really??

so - I didn't realize it has been that long since my last post.  I think I kind of gave up on it, knowing I don't have many follower...