Friday, November 20, 2020

Happy Friday!

Well...  it's Friday, and it's a good day.  Hope you've all had a great week.  Thought you might want some silliness today, so looked up some to see what was going on today.  There isn't a lot, but there are a couple things.

First - it's Name Your PC Day.  Now...I know people name lots of things.  My kids all name their cars (seriously??) and people name their sourdough starters, lol.  But your PC?  Well...  if I were to name the one I have at home I'd call it my old dragon.  It is dying, I guess, because the fan is going on all the time.  Scares the grandkids sometimes, lol.  Have you named yours?

Next it's National Peanutbutter Fudge Day - well, so have fun with that.  I'm not a big fudge fan, unless it's my hubbies stuff.  YUM.  But I'm really not one that will go try a bunch of different fudge flavors.  We did a booth once where we were right next to a booth selling flavored fudge.  They were very popular! lol  but, I didn't really taste a lot of difference in the stuff.  I did like the maple flavor...  but the sample was better than the little container we bought.  I have to be honest... we ended up throwing the fudge out - no one ate it.  Now granted, it could be because the kids all forgot it was there, or thought they weren't allowed to touch it... lol  anyway - if you can find some fudge, have at it!  🙂

Now...for some silliness, Mr Brooks is at it again, with a covid restrictions bit.  I had to laugh, because it's totally contradictory, and it sounds like some of what we've heard over the past week. 

On another silly/semi serious note - there's a family we like to watch their parodies.  They did one for Thanksgiving that looks like they might have been recruited from the health department, lol.  If you don't like rock music, you might lower the volume a little... 
But last bit - something really silly....  we've watched it a few times now, and still can't stop laughing.  🙂

Have a great weekend!

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Wow... really??

so - I didn't realize it has been that long since my last post.  I think I kind of gave up on it, knowing I don't have many follower...