Monday, March 22, 2021

Happy first day after the first day of spring...

 In other words, lol - Monday.  :)

And typical for Utah, it snowed yesterday and is pretty chilly this morning.  At least my car said it was 28 degrees...
In a presentation last week, my boss posted the 12 seasons of Utah.  It was awesome.  Fake spring, extended winter, etc.  Well, guess we're well into that. 

I didn't think it would be a day to post anything, then I realized that this might seem like a long week for everyone, seeing as how spring break is next week...  lol.  And... I noticed that today is kind of a fun day.  It's Talk Like William Shatner Day!!  Now that's pretty awesome, don't you think?  Who doesn't want to talk like him??  Although, I personally don't see the big pause that everyone gives him, lol.  I tried to think of which would be my favorite part, but it's hard.  Miss Congeniality has some great lines, but no one had a clip of him saying he doesn't own a gun, his family were Quakers, lol.  So, it's Star Trek...and Tribbles.  πŸ™‚
It's also As Young As You Feel Day - I'm not sure that's a good thing.  Sometimes I still feel like I'm in my 20's, but lately, that's been my mental state, NOT my physical state.  My body has totally forgotten what the 20s felt like... sigh.  How about you??

and last... it's National Goof-off Day - I'm thinking that's probably because it's the day after the first day of spring, so
everyone is going to want to run around and goof off.  But, since we live in the beehive state, where spring is all in the head, most the time, it's goof-off day because it's Monday and most people don't want to be at work, lol. 

It's also National Water Day, but that seems kind of boring.  I mean, I'm VERY grateful for water, and that we have a ready (ish) supply of it, but well, it's water.  I'm sure if I lived in a third world country and had to trek for a couple of miles to get enough water to last a day I'd appreciate it a heck of a lot more.  My hubby told me that when they first built our home (we bought his childhood home) they had to dig a well, and they didn't dig it deep enough, so the water was pretty dirty...they used to drive up to the church and get water to do dishes and take baths.  They were so thrilled when the water lines were run.  Ever see the movie, Money Pit?  I couldn't get the clip where she discovers the water is hooked up, but there is this one...

We remodeled our home before we moved up here, and I remember feeling exactly like this when the stairs got put in.  It was awesome.  Same feeling when the water's been cut off for a while and is turned back on again.  Want to bring someone to their knees??  Cut off their water!!!  And, want to keep yourself healthy?  Drink LOTS of water.  that's the advice for the day, lol.

Well, hope you have a great day!!  Enjoy the sunshine and the promise of spring...  I mean, hey, my daffodils are blooming!  πŸ™‚

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Wow... really??

so - I didn't realize it has been that long since my last post.  I think I kind of gave up on it, knowing I don't have many follower...