Friday, March 26, 2021

It's Friday! what a loooong week...


It's finally here - Friday before Spring Break!  I know some of you were counting the days, lol.  (Just because I was counting down to when my daughter came home had nothing to do with it...😋)

And Utah weather being what it is, we're having a lovely week of "It's snowing!" and "there is sunshine in my soul today".  Hope you win the next round.  🙂

Whatever your plans are for the next week, we still have this day to do with as we will.  Gaze at photos of the beach,

eat some chocolate/candy, bake this awesome cake
read silly emails, the list is endless.  🙂

Had to mention this important activity today - it's Live Long And Prosper Day! All of you who honor the late 'Spock', (aka Leonard Nemoy) will now raise your hands in appropriate fashion.
You know you want to watch a Star Trek movie tonight, right?
Make Up Your Own Holiday Day - one of the online sites I like to go to for daily food holidays, is thenibble.  They chose to have gourmet mac and cheese day for their holiday.  What would you pick?

and last...Spinach Day - for those of you who don't like the leafy green veggie of power, I totally understand.  It took me a long time to like it fresh, but I think it's awesome.  I cook it up with eggs, put it in salads and when I crave it, make artichoke spinach dip.  I used to love it cooked when I was a kid and then I cooked up a can that I didn't heat properly and it made me sick...  took me a long time to get over that...😨
and so - want to leave you with some dance music, because you know, that's what I love.  First one is Hugh Jackman...why?  Not sure, just thought it was kind of funny - he can dance.  😋
and this one...  who knew Loki had moves like that!!??
Have a great break everyone!!

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Wow... really??

so - I didn't realize it has been that long since my last post.  I think I kind of gave up on it, knowing I don't have many follower...