Wednesday, March 03, 2021

Happy late bday Mr. Seuss!

 So - I know I'm kind of wading into the dark political or social commentary waters here... but I have to say, Happy bday to Dr. Seuss!!  The man who has been celebrated for decades as the man that helped and encouraged children to now being considered racists.  It is just soooo sad!!  Let's be real.  Today's society of 'woke' and 'inclusion' and 'racists' mentality is worse than it was when I was growing up.  I grew up in the Bay Area of California.  I lived in a town where there were all sorts of cultures and races and I don't remember feeling negative toward anyone but the Hispanic girl gangs that had started popping up before I moved to northern California.  And that was because we got into a tussle during PE in school and they didn't like me either...(it's kind of fuzzy now if I yelled fowl because I was being crowded at the basketball net, or because they were trying to hit the ball out of my

Anyway - regardless, I grew up on Dr. Seuss, and my kids had those books, and my grandchildren have his books.  Granted, I have not read ALL of them...heavens, there are quite a few -- but the one's they are saying will no longer be published sound awesome, and I want to get them before production ends.  In fact, we just got a couple at Sam's club the other day that we didn't have.  You start talking about banning books, and racist themes, and I'm likely to go look at it and see why.  Is that your mentality?  I wonder how much of the US is full of people more like me than the other...

And since I missed a chance to wish happy bday to Dr. Seuss yesterday  here we go.  We used to have a day celebrated at my work where we could read for an hour and they counted the pages everyone read. I looked forward to that day all year.  It was a chance to read at work, for one thing, and a chance to READ, which is still a premium thing in my life.  sigh.  (I had so many books I wanted to read over Christmas break and only got through one!!! 🙁)  Sadly, that day has fallen by the wayside, and I've stopped bugging the secretaries as to if we're doing it anymore.  But - that doesn't mean you stop reading!  and, I found this hilarious video of a guy that raps the Fox in Socks book.  You won't believe it - I'd forgotten what a tongue twister he was. 

It reminded me of Studio C and the tongue twisters they liked to do...
This was their first one we saw... and they did three more in varying degrees of hilarity.  🙂 

(sorry, the video clips aren't cooperating...🙄)

If you're into Anime is Princess Day in Kunto province.  I guess it's a big deal over there...  You can watch Princess Diaries and pretend...

It's also Simplify Your Life day - which is always good.  Funny how the older you get, the less 'stuff' you want to clutter up your life.  I'm finding that I just want to clear off all my counters and my desk and just have things simple.  It's less stress for me.  What helps you simplify your life?

It's also a crazy thing...What if Cats and Dogs had opposable thumbs day?  Who dreams up this stuff??  this little commercial is fun though...

There is also a Soup it Forward Day - I like that idea.  Create your favorite soup and share it with your neighbor or a family memeber if you're still Covid shy.  Soup is always good...

And last...  Mulled Wine Day.  Since I'm not into wine, I think mulled cider should be a good substitute.  Don't you?  I love mulled/spiced cider. 

Well...that's all for today.  I hope you have a great one, and enjoy the lovely spring weather!  Here's a last video clip...since today is also I Want You to Be Happy Day...  let's be happy...

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Wow... really??

so - I didn't realize it has been that long since my last post.  I think I kind of gave up on it, knowing I don't have many follower...