Monday, February 12, 2018


I was sick Friday, or I would have posted something about them then!!  I'm so excited!  I love the Olympics.  I pull out my badge from the 2002 games and wear it the whole time, with my green coat that I wear anyway, lol.  I'm sure it's quite the fashion statement, but ya know.  I never attained to the fashionista status.  :)

But anyway - it's been awesome stuff.  I don't remember watching team figure skating before, it's been fun watching them.  It feels like we get extra stuff because this is separate from the individual competition.  We especially loved the Italian dance team - they were so awesome!! I was hoping I could link to their dance, but I can't find it anywhere.  :(    At least I still have access on my TV, I'm sure we'll watch it again. 

Yesterday the Music and the Spoken Word performed the song from the 2002 Olympics...  So many memories!!

So...  some fun things, see if any bring a smile.  

Clean Out Your Computer Day - This is a big deal, everyone.  You should not only clean up the random files on your computer, but the monitors too!!  and be sure to do back ups.  😊

Darwin Day -  I don't celebrate this as a tribute to the theory of Darwinism, but I like to give a nod to a site that's very tongue in cheek...  the Darwin Awards.Fun stuff, and you'll get a laugh out of them...if you aren't shaking your head at the ideas some of these people come up with.  Good grief!!

Extraterrestrial Culture Day - Extraterrestrial Visitor Day - says it's supposed to be the second Tuesday, so I guess it's really supposed to be tomorrow.  Well...if so, you can be prepared, right?  lol  Everyone go make foil headgear and we'll meet at the water towers...  😊

Lincoln's Birthday - We all admire this man and are glad we get a day off next Monday to celebrate, right?

Paul Bunyan Day - I think we all grew up with tales of Paul Bunyan and the amazing lumberjack.  I like the Disney movie and stuff... there's a site that has some suggestions as to how the legend came to be, and it's interesting to note that at one time six feet was considered wayyy tall!  
the only food item was National Plum Pudding.  I'm not a big fan of Plum pudding, so I wasn't going to say anything, but if you're into it, enjoy!  Friday was Pizza day and we had pizza...  Life is good.  :)
Have a good one!

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Wow... really??

so - I didn't realize it has been that long since my last post.  I think I kind of gave up on it, knowing I don't have many follower...