I'm a grandma, wife, mother, crazy writer, spaz artist and face painter who is a disciple of Christ, loves to cook and read and wishes there were more hours in the day...oh and dark chocolate lover!
So...I wasn't going to post anything today, but then I remembered it's pie day!! We have to say something about pie, lol. And...thought you'd want to know she made it safely to her hotel...we got a text about 7:30 this morning (which is apparently 11 pm her time) that she made it to the hotel and had no sleep during layover or on the plane!! oh boy...hope she sleeps LONG...she has no where she has to be or do for the next four days. whew!!
And...the little art show at the school went well. I did a painting and a gentleman next to me demonstrated the flow art, which is always cool. Anyway - it was fun. So many of the students were amazed at the art. My hubby even ended up doing balloons! He hadn't expected that...
anyway - so for today's fun things...
Ask A Question Day - What is the question to ask? The time old questions of who am I? Where did I come from? Or THE question...
Potato Chip Day - everyone loves the potato chip, right? It's what keeps Idaho earning money, lol. Well, I used to be a bigger fan, now I don't really eat them unless it's at a party...and there is dip...or they're BBQ. I can't help I'm picky... lol. This site has lots of trivia on potato chips you might find interesting...
Pi Day - Everbody have pie! reminds me of the scene from Knight and Day...
one of our favorite movies. :) But seriously, what is your favorite take on the number day? Are you going to be celebrating?
Save a Spider Day - really?? I know there are some redeeming qualities...they do eat bugs that we don't want, keep down the mosquitos, etc., but I still don't like them in my house!! Smithsonian site that you might like to read...
My hubby is good at sending them outside, but sometimes even he doesn't give them a chance. :) There is an interesting take on them at the
Write Your Story Day - I'm a writer...so I think everyone has a story in them. Even if it's just about how you grew up, or what your teenage years were like, or how much you loved your parents, or perhaps something fictional is inside you - you only know if you put pen to paper, or fingers to keyboard. It's amazing how once you get writing and see the words before you that you find more to follow them. Even if you're just keeping a journal, that's your story - hopefully some day your children or their children will find that journal and be fascinated by what you wrote. I know I wish my parents had kept one. Along with that, I love this song and thought I'd share this cool version of it with you.
It's also National Reuben Sandwich Day - ugh. My hubby had one of these a couple of weeks ago, and let me have a bite. I used to like sauerkraut, but I guess no more, at least not on a sandwich! those of you who like them...well, enjoy with a slice of pie! lol go to Marie Callendars for lunch.
Well...whatever you think you can do to have a good day - enjoy! It's a good day to be alive. :)
Well.. my daughter is on her way to San Francisco where she'll be most of the day before flying out to Japan. She's never flown before - so heck of a way to discover if you like it or not, lol. I was more emotional last weekend when I thought about her being gone. And then Sunday night, my hubby gave her a father's blessing, and it was okay. We were reminded that He had loaned her to us, and now it was time for her to spread her wings and do His work. She's not going on a mission, but He has something in mind for her...and someone over there is waiting for her. We don't know what's in store, but it's an exciting time!! I mean, she's young (ish), single, and she's headed off to the orient! What an adventure!
I'm sure it will hit when I go into her room and see how empty it is...sigh.
I'm kind of glad it's not me, lol. I'm in the mood for a cruise, but not really a halfway across the world adventure right now. :) At least San Francisco is nice weather today, so perhaps she'll be able to see the water from the airport...
Well...besides the snow storm this morning right when we were trying to get her to the airport, lol...there's a couple of fun stuff to celebrate.
Donald Duck Day - my father-in-law loved to talk like Donald Duck. I think I've mentioned we have a stuffed duck that when you tap it on the head it quacks... In honor of him. My granddaughter has discovered how to make duck sounds, and she does it all the time. We figure grandpa is coaching her... :)
Here's one of the classics...
Earmuffs Day - on a day like today, earmuffs are probably a good idea, though I never did get used to them or like them. They were too hard on my ears. Do you like them? Some of them are cute... Ken Day - Wow...you mean in a woman centric world there's a day that celebrates the other half of Barbie-ness?
Hey, you go man!! He was born on this day in 1961, so he's getting to be an older man... I wonder if they have any grandpa Ken?
Open An Umbrella Indoors Day - I guess this is to prove you're not supersticious? I'm not sure, I open umbrella's inside the house all the time...in the office, in the car...where ever it's handy to open an umbrella. How about you?? Smart & Sexy Day - And this is for all of us. Aren't we all smart and sexy?? I should say so!! Show everyone you are 'all that'. Cause you are!
National Ginger Ale day - for those of you who are ginger ale fans, celebrate! It's good stuff...well, my hubby likes it. I'm not a big fan of soda any more - it gives me headaches...but I know some people out there like it!
So...we're supposed to be getting another storm today. So far it's been a little rainy...snow in the mountains, which is awesome! But I'm kind of wary of the whole storm warning bit. Never seems to work for us. Just when we think some big thing is going to hit, it peters out and we get s wave by... so not really holding my breath. :)
On exciting/nervous news...my son got his license yesterday!! My autistic son that's been working on getting his driving license for almost a year... sigh. You can all be nervous now... though we haven't let him go crazy. We're still WAY worried about his abilities...but it's definitely an awesome accomplishment for him!
I'm not sure he'd think this was funny right now though, lol
Well... enough of that, :) Onto today's silliness. Maybe something will brighten your day.
Middle Name Pride Day - Do you have a middle name? I think there's a large percentage of the average American that has a middle name. My family has a tradition of giving the mother's maiden name to the sons...and the grandmother's names to the daughters in one form or another. My middle name is kind of a shortening of my mother's middle name. My brother got my grandmother's maiden name... our kids all got middle names. One of them we got carried away and gave them all the grandfather names - but hey, that way he can choose which name he gets called by, right? It's a good thing...
National Proofreading Day - for those of us writers, this is an important day!! I tell ya, you can proof and proof and PROOF a document and still have it print with mistakes. :( it's really frustrating. If you can find someone to catch all those errors, they are almost worth their weight in gold. Almost...
National Peanut Cluster Day - yeah!! um...I think I mentioned how pretty much anything covered in chocolate is among my favorite things? Peanut clusters were my first love of 'fine chocolates'. (Almonds have since taken over, but I still like peanut clusters!) A friend of mine made some for Christmas and they were awesome!! I am contemplating making some tonight, but not sure if I'm up to the task. Have any of you made them before?? I mean, how hard can it be...dark chocolate and peanuts mixed together, dumped on wax paper...or parchment, I guess....
National Retro Video Game
Day - okay, who remembers Pong?? That was one of my first video games. My dad got a game system as payment from one of his clients, and that was our first gaming system. Of course they had been out for a while, but it was still cool. My hubby remembers PacMan...and Donky Kong. I wasn't really into video games...I'd rather play the pinball machines. :) What is your favorite retro game?? It's one of the reasons I kind of like the movie Pixels... I'm not a big Adam Sandler fan...if he did cleaner stuff I'd like him more, but this was one of his better ones.
Tartar Sauce Day - I love tartar sauce...I mean, it totally makes fish and chips!! I know some fish is better with lemon and sauce and stuff, but fish sticks, fish and chips...yum. Do you like tartar sauce? US Snow Shoe Days - and for those of you outdoor enthusiasts... (my nephew would be one of these) this is your day to put those wacky shoes on and go into the mountains. It would be a good day for it too... or there's the chance you'll get lost in a snow storm...so maybe not!! Just for grins...if you've ever wondered, here's a video that explores the differences between now...and then... Hope you have an awesome day and weekend!
So... it's raining, it's pouring... Hopefully no old man is snoring, lol. That's kind
of a creepy nursery rhyme when you think about it... bumped his head
and went to bed and couldn't get up in the morning??? He DIED?😲.
I don't mind rain like this so much...it's not driving rain, piercing through your clothes and soaking you through - it's just rain. It's not really light enough that you can go without an umbrella, like most days in Oregon, lol - but it's not bad. So...it's an umbrella day because I might have to go outside more than once, lol.
Welcome to spring. :) That means yard work though...and one of our best helpers is leaving next week - so I'll have to get a little bit more on the ball and get out there and get to it. I saw a sign this morning advertising
primroses, and my first thought was yes!! I need to buy six of them!! At least this year we have a place to put them...now that we've enlarged the flower bed around the tree and added dirt. I can hardly wait.
So - anyway - from the mundane to the fun stuff...here's a couple of celebrations today. Hopefully everyone got in their pancakes from Tuesday??
Nametag Day - Who is that person across the hall? Have you met them? How about across the street? That person at the gas pump? Do you want to know their name? maybe not...but in a world where everything is electronic and we don't interact much with each other, this day was promoted to encourage people to get to know each other and their names. :) I like it...I have a hard time remembering names anymore. I never forget a face though!!
National Cereal Day - In going to the official site... I discovered that cereal was first created as a HEALTH FOOD! can you believe it??? The sugary stuff that most people eat are FARRRR from it, lol. Though I think Cheerios is still a good base... although when I was a kid, there used to be a sugar laden puddle of milk at the bottom... :) Loved my Cheerios with sugar! What's your favorite cereal? I really don't eat cereal anymore...don't drink milk. I like to put the blueberry Chex in my yogurt though... :)
National Crown of Roast Pork Day... Hmm... if you needed something different to serve for a fancy dinner, that would be your thing. Personally, do people even do this any more??
So...so much for today's items. Hope you have an awesome day! Stay dry. :)
so - the saying in like a lion, out like a lamb might be appropriate this year - I guess we'll see. It was certainly cold and somewhat snowy on Saturday, but it didn't stay, and it certainly wasn't blustery. I'm thinking that might mean out like a lion... that would also depend on where you live, right? I mean, some of the US had quite the snow storms this past weekend, so ya know...
Anyway, yesterday was quite a regular Monday!! One of my daughters (who was in charge of dinner last night) had a real bad headache and switched with her sister. Well, that daughter somehow scorched the gravy (we were having haystacks) and I helped in scorching the rice! then, she was carrying the pan that the rice was in and dropped it - so half of the rice was gone. It was a crazy evening, just saying....
My hubby hooked us up with Marco Polo Video as this daughter is going to Japan and we wanted to have some video contact - so I took a video of the rice on the floor and suggested he grab hamburgers on his way home from picking up our son. :) He didn't get it, as he doesn't have data - but oh well, I figured he wanted us to use the Marco Polo thing... lol
So...there's a few fun things for the day:
International Pancake Day - I guess this goes along with the whole Lent and Mardi Gras thing. It's something about Fat Tuesday and you eat all the stuff you aren't going to eat during lent? I'm sorry, I confess my ignorance to this pit... But apparently it's a day to eat pancakes. In England they have a pancake race...see below... Mardi Gras - everyone has heard this term...I believe it's the end of Mardi Gras today, but if you like to have a reason to party, this is New Orleans claim to fame. I really loved going to Disneyland during the holidays because their section of New Orleans was decked out soooo gorgeous - it made me wonder if it was anything close to how New Orleans looks. I like the movie Undercover Blues as well...it shows a lot of New Orleans. :) Here is one of my favorite parts... Pancake Day Race - According to Wikipedia (LOL) "Shrove Tuesday was once known as a "half-holiday" in Britain. It started at 11:00 am with the ringing of a church bell.[39]
On Pancake Day, "pancake races" are held in villages and towns across
the United Kingdom. The tradition is said to have originated in 1445
when a housewife from Olney, Buckinghamshire, was so busy making pancakes that she forgot the time until she heard the church bells ringing for the service.
She raced out of the house to church while still carrying her frying pan and pancake, tossing it to prevent it from burning.[40][41] The pancake race remains a relatively common festive tradition in the UK, especially England.
Participants with frying pans race through the streets tossing pancakes
into the air and catching them in the pan while running.[42]
The pancake race at Olney traditionally has women contestants who carry
a frying pan and race over a 415-yard course to the finishing line. The
rules are strict: contestants must toss the pancake at the start and
the finish, and wear a scarf and apron.[40]" Just a little side trivia... Paczki Day- apparently these are a filled doughnut that is eaten on Shrove Tuesday...much like the pancakes or like during Hanukkah for the Jewish celebration. It's a Polish treat...so I would think there might be more than just a filled doughnut. Personally, I like filled doughnuts... :)
World Tennis Day - Here is a fun clip from Two Weeks Notice -
I love tennis...it is my favorite sport. I always wanted to play when I was a kid. I made it to the JV team in high school, and then moved here. Didn't make it my senior year at Davis, was too afraid to try out... sigh. But anyway - haven't been able to play for a long time. :( There are a couple of movies about tennis out there... Wimbledon is okay, you need to have a good filter though... What's your favorite sport? and last... National Cheese Doodle Day - Or the cheese puff is born. :) I know my grandkids can't get enough of them...I like the other kind - Cheetos. But anyway, that rounds out the healthy eating for today...lol Have a good one!
so - we survived! I don't know why I look forward to Fridays so much - I commented to my hubby this morning that it was Friday and he said 'So? What's so good about that? We do work tonight, we have stuff tomorrow, babysitting grandkids tomorrow and Sunday and then back to work on Monday.' I smacked him. :) I realize he had a point, but for some reason Friday's will always be enshrined in my head as the day to look forward to.
We're supposed to get rain/snow over the weekend, so we'll see how that goes, but it has been warmer! the little shoots of green are starting to poke through in my flower beds, and we're trying to trim our fruit trees... (which is a major job every year...sigh) Spring is nice for the flowers, but it's a lot of yard work! Although my hubby got his chipper working yesterday and discovered he can make a mean mulch!! I'm excited. He discovered he can mix our leaves, paper waste and branches to make an awesome mulch! I think he's brilliant. :)
So... as per usual on March 1st, there is a but load of things people want to celebrate or put out into the consciousness of man... lol. I'm not going to highlight all the things I found...but the fun stuff I will share.
Baby Sleep Day - I didn't realize this was a big deal...getting babies to get enough sleep. Apparently there are enough parents that don't know what their doing that they have a hard time getting a schedule going. This website it totally dedicated to helping babies get the rest they need...and apparently tomorrow is national sleep day, which promotes everyone getting enough healthy sleep. I thought everyone knew you let a baby sleep however much it wants!
Although...there is a way to get it to sleep at NIGHT instead of all day, lol. My sister-in-law told us how they used to rub a cold soda can on their cheeks to keep them awake in the evening so they would fall asleep when everyone else was sleeping and sleep longer at night. sigh. We weren't sure if that was a good idea or not, but when you are desperate for sleep...
Dadgum That's Good Day - Apparently if your in the lover of smoked food group, you've heard of a Masterbuilt smoker. I really haven't...I've only heard of the Treager, and that's because I have several friends who LOVE them. Well...I don't think Treager has their own day yet, but Masterbuilt does, and they have loads of recipes to go with them. (apparently they are related to Amazon, and all that...)
Dress in Blue Day - I thought this was just a day to celebrate the color blue! But no...it's another cancer day that they want to draw attention to. I didn't realize that they have all these different colors associated with different types of cancer...
I just thought pink was the color. Silly me... Blue is the color for Colon-types cancer. I should have remembered that from when one of our own had this type of cancer last year...but it didn't correlate. :) Employee Appreciation Day - I'm an employee, I appreciate me. You're an employee, I appreciate you!! there...we've been appreciated. If I had the funds, I'd treat you all to an ice cream at McD's...
National Black Women in Jazz & The Arts Day - I guess they couldn't fit this into national Black Awareness month? Sorry...that was a little snarky. But hey, I appreciate the women in jazz and the arts. There were (and are) some awesome talented women out there. Who's your favorite? One of my favorites is Gladys Knight...
National Day of Unplugging - are you on your phone all day?? Are you on a computer all day? Are you using technology 24/7? This is the day they are encouraging you to unplug! Get away from the technology and interact with people and places. Become one with the world again and get away from social media and all that goes with it. Unfortunately, some of us have to use computers for work...so, uh, not going to happen till later. :) I think you should extend it through the weekend...hmmm
National Peanut Lovers Day - Well... I think it's interesting how one site says peanut lovers and one site says peanut butter lovers... I think the two go hand in hand. One of my favorite cooking sites, called the Smittenkitchen.com has the perfect post for today. Here's the link...become addicted. :) I'm not saying that I'd want to try the tart, but I'm sure someone out there would... personally, I like peanuts in the shell (well, you know, taking off the shell) and clusters in dark chocolate and in peanut butter...which brings us to... National Peanut Butter Lovers Day - When our kids were growing up, there was this kids show called Barney and Friends. We put up with it for a couple of years, and then we had to stop...it was just soooo unreal. I mean, all the kids were yuppy children and lived in perfect worlds. We couldn't stand our children thinking that was what their life was supposed to be like. Never mind we all wanted to kill the purple dinosaur... sad state of affairs. But...there was this song that everyone still remembers...
of course...there's always the Studio C rebellion... lol
who would have thought it all started with peanuts??
NEA's Read Across America Day - Okay - so tomorrow is Dr. Seuss bday, and since there's no school, they are promoting the reading across America today. It's one of the things I look forward to every year because I get to read at work!! :) You see, I love to read. I used to read anything that had words on it! My children are much the same, and we tease them all the time about the fact that a book isn't going to walk away - you can put it down and come back to it. :) What type of books do you like to read? I used to be an avid romance reader, but since I've become a grandma, my focus has shifted somewhat, lol. though a good romantic aspect always makes it fun reading. My children introduced me to Brandon Sanderson some years ago, and I could read his Elantris over and over and over...
Farmers insurance has created an add celebrating Dr. Seuss, and I'll share it here. Kind of fun. :)
Plan a Solo Vacation Day - For those of you who are solo, this is apparently a good day to plan a vacation. For myself, I don't like going on vacation solo, so I wouldn't be wanting to do this. Why would I want to go on a trip without my hubby?? Now, when my kids were younger, there were many days when I wished I could get away. That's when we discovered Mommy weekends ...and I went to San Diego on my own (a friend came for most of the time) and a hotel in the next city, lol (everyone came to play in the hotel pool on Monday before I left) and Hawaii - which was a never again by myself awakening. So I guess it's all dependent on where you're at in life.
World Compliment Day - everyone loves a compliment, especially a sincere one! So, now is the time to brush up on your interpersonal skills and let those around you know how awesome they are. You can ALWAYS find something about someone to compliment them on. The way they smile, the way they dress, how nice their hair looks, etc... here's one of the best compliments...well, example of how some people struggle with them. :)
World Day of Prayer - and to end the list is the day of prayer. I think that the world needs prayer. It's an uplifting, comforting thing that makes everyone draw closer to whatever God they believe in and to each other. I hope you have a great weekend and an awesome Friday. And did I mention how awesome you look today?? You got this!!