Tuesday, November 05, 2019

Can't pass up...

letting you know it's National Doughnut day!!  Well...the unofficial National Doughnut day.  If you like any excuse to celebrate, then here's your day.  I suggest Tasties doughnuts or Bowmans after 7pm, lol.  Or there's always the homemade variety...  I guess the official one is in June, but I'm not complaining.  It's not like any of these days are engraved in stone, right??

We might have to bake some at home...  we have leftover frosting from my grandkids bday cake that we could use...  yum.

Remember this scene?  Sometimes I feel that way with chocolate, lol

It's also National Love Your Red Hair Day -  I teased my daughter and said to rock her hair.  She just died it a dark red.  Those of you lucky enough to have rich color in your dead protein parts, rock it!!! 

and last... it's Play Monopoly Day - If it wasn't a school night, this would be a good thing!  Or does your version not take hours like ours do??
  I guess if we started right after work we might be done before bed...  we wouldn't be playing with my youngest daughter.  We used to drive everyone nuts because she wouldn't play to win, just liked to play and see how long she could keep everyone going.  She would usually win...  Wonder if one of her Japanese friends has a game...  (yes, we do have this version.  My hubby is a BIG Peanuts fan.)

Well, hope you have a great day.  Make it yours!

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Wow... really??

so - I didn't realize it has been that long since my last post.  I think I kind of gave up on it, knowing I don't have many follower...