Monday, November 11, 2019

Remember a Veteran today...

Welcome to Veterans Day Monday and all things military-ish.  If you know a vet or had family that was, be sure to thank them and let them know how appreciated they are if you don't do this on a regular basis.  We owe much of where we are today as a country to these people who are willing to serve in such a capacity. 
I believe I've mentioned that my family has always been great supporters of the military, my Grandfather being in the Navy and my father being a Ranger, my brother being in the Air Force and my son was in the Army reserves.  My other dad was a Marine and his brothers were all in a different arm of the military as well during the Korean war.  I currently have a couple of nephews as well who are in the service, though a couple of them have now been honorably discharged with disabilities.  Military service takes it toll in many ways.  I know I usually try to keep this a little on the lighter side, but War isn't really a light thing...  I think it's appropriate that these days are part of November when we celebrate Thanksgiving.  We have much to be thankful for in this country.

Armistice Day -  this day is different from Veterans day in that it marks the day the first world war was ended.  100 years ago this year President Wilson marked the loss and change that had happened as a result of the war.  The Armistace was signed 101 years ago.  I remember that they used to say it was the war to end all wars.  Well...that didn't happen.  :(  

Forget-Me-Not Day - I don't think I knew about this before.  I've looked at days of the year before - (I mean many of you can attest to that) and I don't think I've mentioned Forget Me Not day. is a first.  This is apparently a day that veterans can try to raise funds for those who are in need.  I think it's sad that funds need to be raised, never mind that our Vets have so many needs that aren't met - but that's another day.
Origami Day - my daughter is the professional origiami folder in our house.  My granddaughter loves to watch her and try to fold things too.  I think it's a great way to challenge the hand eye  When our first grandchild was born, she made a mobile of origami butterflies.  It took her a while... but it was cool.This is similar to what it looks like.

National Sundae Day - don't want to miss celebrating this today!  My
favorite part of Sundaes??  the hot fudge!  What's your favorite part?  Of course ice cream is the base!!  There is actually a debate as to who and where the first Sundae was created.  You'll have to decide who you agree with... lol

So - one of my favorite scenes from Hacksaw Ridge - this father is so tormented by fighting in WWI that he became a rotten drunk.  However - he knew his son desired nothing else than to serve in whatever capacity he could without bearing arms.  He put on his uniform and went to his aid...

Unfortunately there isn't much to find humorous in war. There have been some well done movies, like the one above.  I hope you have a wonderful day...  44 days left till Christmas... and 16 days till Thanksgiving.  Just some fun stuff to look forward to. 

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Wow... really??

so - I didn't realize it has been that long since my last post.  I think I kind of gave up on it, knowing I don't have many follower...