Thursday, February 04, 2021

And's Thursday.

Hi everyone!  Hope you've had a great week so far.  It's been kind of a mixed bag for me, but for the most part, good.  :)  My daughter hooked me up with Spotify, and it's been wonderful!!

So - today is National Hemp Day!  Now, before you get all hyped up about drugs, lol, this is about hemp.  It's a building material, rope material, etc.  It's amazing.  It's only been a day since 2019, when it became legal in the whole country to grow hemp, but I've heard about building with it before then.  We're still tempted to build a house...

Kind of fun.  🙂

It's also Liberace's birthday - so it's Liberace Day.  If you don't know who that was...well, it's a mixed bag.  He was an amazing pianist, but more of a showman than anything else.  I grew up with him always in the background, he was a fixture in Vegas, just like Elvis.

On the food side, it's National Homemade Soup Day - which is always good!!  Personally I like cream soups.  My hubby likes broth soups, my sons would rather have tomato soup and be done with it, and my daughter just likes to make soup.  What's your favorite soup to make?  I made a yummy asparagus bisque one day for lunch...  got to love Vitamix.  🙂

And, it's National Stuffed Mushrooms Day.  I remember the first time I had a stuffed mushroom.  My first thought was why would anyone take the time to stuff something so little??  my second thought was where have these been all my life??  LOL.  I think they're great when someone else takes the time to make them.  I feel the same way about those gorgeously decorated cupcakes.  That's a lot of effort for something that doesn't last very long... 😋
Someone asked me the other day where I got the trivia I spout here for you...  Well, most of it I find on a site called Brownielocks. (you'll see it in the sidebar there...) There are lots of other sites out there, but some of them are so flaky I don't want to waste my time.  I also go to TheNibble for the food holidays, they have stuff that Brownielocks doesn't always have.  I guess when it comes to stuff like this, I think it's fun, and I like finding things out.  It probably started when I was given a Sandra Boynton calendar that had a food/chocolate holiday on every day.  I loved that calendar, lol.

So - here's hoping you'll have a great day! 

some music to get things jumping...


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Wow... really??

so - I didn't realize it has been that long since my last post.  I think I kind of gave up on it, knowing I don't have many follower...