Friday, February 19, 2021

Happy Friday

Welcome to the weekend.  🙂  It's been a nice short work week, with snow and wintery is supposed to bring more of the same.  I guess we're all grateful for furnaces and fireplaces, huh?  I have some friends that live in Texas and it's been an interesting ride...  😳

Hopefully you have good things to look forward to this weekend.  We all need to continue to relax and take care of each other. 

Anyway - there are a couple of fun things I wanted to make sure you were aware of.  First off, it's Best Friends Day!  Isn't that a great day to celebrate??  Best friends are the ones who stay by you, even when you do something stupid (they're usually the ones who tell you it was stupid) and comfort you when you're down.  They're the ones that are always there.  Take time today and thank that person whose always been there for you, and you think of as your BFF.  There are a couple of friends in movies that I always think about...  if you've ever watched the movie Sahara, you know what I'm talking about.  Those two just cracked me up.  You're introduced to them when Al is bringing Dirk up from the ocean, and he's telling their guest that Dirk has always been the "Allsmaid, never the Al."  These guys know each other like they were twins.  Great stuff.
this is one of my favorite scenes...
(And I have to say, much as I'm a reader, I would skip the book on this...the movie is much cleaner and nicer...😳🙄)

Another friendship worth mentioning is Captain America... Steve and Bucky.  Now they are awesome.
of course, we need at least one female group here...and that has to be Steel Magnolias.  Those women just crack me up!!!
I love this scene because it shows how they are all there for each other, good or bad.
So...  that went a bit father than I meant, lol.  These were supposed to be celebrating friendships, not be depressing! 

How about this duo?  Much better...

It's Chocolate Mint Day.  If you like those yummy Girl Scout cookies that they are so famous for, this would be a good day to dig them out.  Andes Mints are awesome too...  I like a good mint hot chocolate as well...  What's your favorite version of mint chocolate?

And, if you like fish and all things fish, today is Tartar Sauce Day.  I guess Tartar sauce is the only way I like horseradish sauce.  UGH.  It's good on fishsticks...

Well...hopefully you've had a few laughs out of this, and are ready for the weekend.  Here's some sights and sounds to remind you that winter is on it's way out... only a month or so...
Have a great weekend!

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Wow... really??

so - I didn't realize it has been that long since my last post.  I think I kind of gave up on it, knowing I don't have many follower...