Friday, February 12, 2021

Happy Chocolate Sale at Walgreens Eve...Eve!!

 LOL.  If you have never seen this, it's a must share...

It makes me laugh every time I watch it.  I still don't get why she even answers the door!!  Kick his lazy butt off the couch!  lol.  😋

Anyway - it's Friday!  It's Valentines weekend, and it's a long weekend as well.  Can more fun things be rolled into one???

I hope you have plans - even if those plans are to lay on the couch and binge watch your favorite tv series or something, a plan is a plan! 

If nothing else, you should go crazy and celebrate Chinese New Year.    It's the year of the ox.  If you do a search for it on Google, it will shower your screen with fireworks for a minute.  It's awesome.  🙂  Apparently they don't have a set DAY for new years, it's a spring festival and families gather, yada yada.  So, that's totally a reason to celebrate.  Order Chinese food, watch a bunch of Jacky Chan movies... 

Food wise, it's Plum Pudding Day.  Well... that's one that I'm not jumping for joy at.  I'm not a huge fan of plums when their fresh...and I thought dried ones were a diarrhetic, so, uh - anyone ever try it?  I know it's big in the UK...

Well - just wanted to wish everyone a happy Valentine's weekend.  In our family it's not about romantic love, it's just about love in general.  Hopefully you'll feel loved and want to show that to others. 

Happy Valentines Day to all my friends!!

and to top it off and end on a silly note...  found this silly bit of drumming. Reminds me of Unitards (which is hilarious!!).  Enjoy and have a great weekend!!!

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Wow... really??

so - I didn't realize it has been that long since my last post.  I think I kind of gave up on it, knowing I don't have many follower...