Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Happy hump day!

It's Wednesday!!  The middle of the week...the day we all take a deep breath and realize that we survived Monday and Tuesday and oh look, it's Wednesday!!  lol I'm glad it's Wednesday, but I'm a little torn...Saturday I'm going to have a booth at the Harvest Festival at Thanksgiving Point and I'm hoping that people will want to buy stuff...  you never know... I'm not sure if they're going to want fall stuff or Christmas stuff.  What do you think?  What would you be looking to buy?  What would catch your eye??


Anyway - It's great weather right now...I love these temps!!  Don't you just love fall??  I'm waiting for the leaves to start changing.  I want to take a drive up in the mountains this year.  KSL did an article on where to go for fall colors, and I thought it was a great idea.

So - some fun stuff today that I wanted to mention.

Math Story Telling Day - math story telling...have I mentioned how I hate story problems?? It's like there is always a trick in there to make it impossible to solve correctly.  I always got them wrong.  I was hoping Gerry Brooks would have something, but no... so I found this little video that shows you how to solve them.  I had to laugh though...look at this problem!!  The biggest problem is the friend borrowing money for her rent!  She can't afford to pay rent, she needs to move back home, lol.  If you are loaning that much money to a friend, how are you going to pay rent??  I mean...real life here, people.  :)

National One-Hit Wonder Day - wow...all those great one hit wonders that made you curious why they never had another hit song!!  ?  What happened to them?  I grew up with so many of them...  This was one we sang in 6th grade music class...

You probably didn't notice in the movie A-Team that this little song was another one hit wonder...

And everyone knows this song...  I think it's funny they have Johnny Depp from Benny and Joon playing in the background.  I had forgotten that was in there!!

Did you know that Eye of the Tiger was a  one hit wonder?  And the Boys are Back in Town?  Amazing how they happen...

National Tune-up Day - Everyone go get your oil changed and your engine tuned up!!  The calendar says that's what you have to do today, right?  We must be lemmings... lol.  Well, I guess I'm one of them, but I've already had that done, so no worries.  :)   We don't always have to do what the calendar says!!!

National Women's Health & Fitness Day - if you needed an excuse to go work out, here's your day.  I don't know why it's just women, I mean, men need health and fitness too, but you know how these calendar things work.  Guys get to be lazy today... lol

National Crab Meat Newberg Day - The food stuff!  You know I always try to find the food holiday, and today it's stuff that I don't think many of us could afford, or would want to do, lol.  Have you ever had Crab Newberg?  I haven't.  We don't even eat real crab...we eat the whitefish imitation stuff in our pasta salad.  Apparently this is a very rich sauce that is poured over puff pastry or pasta.  Anyone a big fan?

National Lobster Day -  I've only had lobster like once, that I remember.  Are you a big fan??  I think it takes too much to eat, and guess I'm a little impatient when it comes to fish.  It's cooked, and on the plate.  lol
I love this scene in Julie and Julia.  I don't know what it is about this movie - but it seems to be the epitome of the foodie cook.  Every time I watch it I want to go cook something, and my kids say I'm a pretty good cook.  I also figure it's similar to me in that I blog.  No one comments on my blog, much like her's in the beginning, so that's another thing that I feel makes us soul sisters, lol.  However - the movie is much better than the book, so don't be thinking we're related or anything.  I'm much more of the creative artsy type, and wouldn't survive a year of going through that cookbook...I mean Aspics???  I wouldn't have even bothered with that chapter.What's the point??  No one eats them... (that I know)

Well... Have an awesome day!  We should all be driving safe on the way to the gym before going home to eat something fishy... right?  😏😎

National Crab Meat Newburg Day September 25th: National Lobster Day*

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Wow... really??

so - I didn't realize it has been that long since my last post.  I think I kind of gave up on it, knowing I don't have many follower...