Friday, September 20, 2019

It's Raining! and it's Friday...

two great things in one!!  :)

I know there are some parts of the nation that is overrun with water right now (let's all pray for Texas!!) but we've been a little short of it lately, so we're mighty glad to have some.  I'm hoping it stops tomorrow, I'm painting faces at the lantern festival in Tooele, but it can pour all it wants today!! 

This has been the strangest week...  I haven't been as busy, yet I'm' still busy and haven't been able to get lots done.  My house is in dire need of cleaning!!!  ARGH.  And organizing - my desk is a mess.  I glued my latest canvas to my easel and had to really work at getting it unstuck last night, lol.  First time that's happened.  I usually pull them off before they get totally stuck.  :) 

Yesterday was my youngest child's bday.  He was born on 9/19, so his bday was 9/19/2019.  We had a quick family marco polo at 9:19 pm to celebrate his bday being on 9/19/2019, lol.  Only thing that would have been a real craziness is if he'd turned 19.  NOPE.

I don't think we've ever had any of our other kids have a bday like that...   Have you?  Next year my oldest granddaughter turns 10 on the 10th...that should be fun. :)

Well, there are some fun things to commemorate or celebrate today, so lets look into them...

Bright Pink Lipstick Day - yes, as you would probably have guessed, pink lipstick day is related to cancer awareness.  So...  if you are crazy into all things cancer awareness support, this is another way to show it.  I'm afraid I'm getting tired of everything being pink...but that's the color they've run with.  We  just discovered that my oldest niece has breast cancer, and it's the ugly variety that has already gone into limph nodes and chest wall... she started extreme chemo this week, and we're all praying for her and her family. 

National Doodle Day - every body doodle!!  Show your creative side.  What do you like to doodle?  When we're having a family meeting I sit and draw circles....endless rows of circles...  don't know why exactly...I wonder if it's because they are a soothing motion...  but anyway - people doodle lots of things from nonsense to great art.  Meetings inspire a lot of doodling, lol  I like this article from the Smithsonian that explains why this day was started...

National Fried Rice Day - one of my favorite things about Chinese food!!  I love fried rice.  We discovered chicken fried rice a while ago, and now that's the only kind I like.  Did you know there's also a shrimp fried rice??  It seems that there can be whatever you want in it!!  Go crazy!  I'm sure the Hawaiians have a version with spam, lol.  They love their spam!!
I like using chopsticks once in a while... but we don't make sticky enough rice to make it work well.  Do you eat yours with chopsticks?  I always figured that's why oriental people tend to be slimmer...  it's harder to eat loads when you're using chopsticks!!!  (unless you are a pro, I'm sure.)
Here's one of my favorite clips from Kung Fu Panda... they're eating dumplings instead of rice, but it's still chopsticks, lol.

National String Cheese Day - this is a relatively young day, started in 2017.  I'm sure it was because they wanted to ensure the continued purchase of the item, lol.  I'm not a big fan of string cheese, but it's okay.  Which is your favorite brand?

And last....I wanted to share this video by our favorite principal, Mr. Brooks.  I think it's astute, as usual.

Hope you have a great weekend!!  Enjoy life!

just a little something to get you dancing...   

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Wow... really??

so - I didn't realize it has been that long since my last post.  I think I kind of gave up on it, knowing I don't have many follower...