Tuesday, May 14, 2019

It's Tuesday!

Happy Tuesday.  I know most people don't think of it as a day to celebrate, but hey, it's a day of the week, it is time spent well in our life, and it's a gorgeous day today, for sure!  So, let's be happy!

there's only a couple of items to mention today, perhaps one of them can be celebrated in your day, your way.  :)   Personally, I think most of us would do the whole Haagen-Daz cone, but I don't think I'll be near one.  I think just eating ice cream should count...don't you??

Free Cone Day (Haagen-Dazs) - this is only Haagen-Daz where they scoop ice cream.  I have no idea where one is, I tried to do a search but it only came up with the stores that sell them.  good luck!

National Chicken Dance Day - chicken dance day!  Everyone do the chicken dance!  this is the best one out there... 

National Decency Day - kind of sad that there needs to be a day to promote decency in society, but here ya go.  I think that it's a valid thing to promote.  People tend to get wrapped in their own world and not think about how their actions effect others.  Isn't it similar to kindness?  I saw a short animated film created by a school in Vancouver that illustrated decency....  it was too sad to include here.  Do a search on Youtube for decency and you'll find it... 

The Stars and Stripes Forever Day
-apparently this was first performed on this date in 1897.  That means it's almost 125 years old! Funny how things become classics...

National Buttermilk Biscuit Day -  I'm planning on trying this killer recipe for buttermilk biscuits...  I've never made them in a cake pan before, so it should be interesting.  We've done biscuits in my house for a long time and I have done the drop biscuits the majority of the time because I didn't want to take time to roll them out.  This recipe would be similar, but more like the cut ones.  Let me know if you try them and like them!!  Have I said how much I like biscuits??  sigh...  much anticipation...

Anyway - hope you have an amazing day.  :)

1 comment:

clarissa said...

You're soo silly sometimes Mom...

Wow... really??

so - I didn't realize it has been that long since my last post.  I think I kind of gave up on it, knowing I don't have many follower...