Monday, January 27, 2020

Happy Bubble Wrap Day!!

You know, if there were ever a product invented that brought simple joy, bubble wrap was it. Don't you think?  I have to's a little slow on stuff to look for in the world when people are celebrating bubble wrap, right??  But it is fun...  Here's a sort of scene where Mr. Magorium is dancing on bubble wrap.  It's a fun scene in the movie, though this isn't the best version.

Don't you love bubble wrap?  I know my grand kids love it.  Who can resist popping it???  It always brings a smile to your face!

But, lest your stomach felt left out...  it's also National Chocolate Cake Day! I love this scene in Julie and Julia...  totally shows how we love our chocolate!!!  🙂

So - hope you all have a wonderful Monday!  It's going to be a great week when it starts off with bubble wrap and chocolate cake!  🙂
got to love this woman's art...  she has such imagery.  LOL

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Wow... really??

so - I didn't realize it has been that long since my last post.  I think I kind of gave up on it, knowing I don't have many follower...